Sick | Changlix pt3

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Chan's pov

"Guys, I have to tell you something", I croaked, looking around. I slowly let go of Jeongin's embrace and grabbed the other's attention. Now everyone looked at me, waiting for me to speak but I couldn't say a word without sobbing uncontrollably. Changbin placed a hand on my shoulder but still tears were streaming down my face.

"You guys remember that one time where Felix had a bad day and stormed out of the dance studio right?", he asked. The others nodded so Changbin went on. "Well, I found him outside and talked with him and h-he seems to struggle w-with some sort of mental illness and-

"What do you mean by that?", Hyunjin interrupted, fighting to hold back his tears. The others were struggling to believe what Changbin just said, I could tell just by looking at their expressions.

"He said he hears voices and they make him do things", Changbin said lost in thought.

The silence in the room was oppressive. I peaked to Hyunjin, who was clearly having a hard time to process the whole situation. After a while, Jisung cleared his throat.

"W-When I found him in the bathroom, he said that he could hear them...or something l-like that. Maybe that is why he took the pills".

I thought for a while. "We need to get him to talk to us about everything", I sighed, feeling incredibly hopeless all of a sudden. "I hope he'll open up to us", Seungmin said quietly. Yeah if he still lives.

"I just wish he would have told someone earlier about the way he feels.", Jisung mumbled, sounding extremely sorrowful, "He was all by himself with these thoughts".

The thought of Felix being alone in his room and doing something to himself while we were all happy going out was making me feel disgusted about myself. Before I could think any further, a doctor approached us. The others were immediately alert and raised from their seats.

"Are you Lee Yongbok's friends or family?", the doctor said with a monotone voice. I just nodded as I wasn't sure I was ready to talk normally.

"Well, Mr Lee took something called "XXX", which is a pain-killing medication. In high dose it is very dangerous and can cause multiple organs to fail. However, we were able to stabilize him, but still he is in a critical state."

The words I heard were too fast to comprehend. Painkillers, organ failure...., critical state?

"The important thing is, is that the drug is now out of his system, but we'll have to see how he reacts to the antidote.", the doctor added. I felt Jeongin grabbing my hand, squeezing it tightly.

I exhaled in relief to hear that Felix was doing okay but I had to make sure myself. I thanked the doctor and asked if we could see him.

"Yes, that's possible, but only three at one time." I nodded to Changbin when Jisung suddenly let go of Minho's hand. "Are you sure Han?", Minho asked concerned. Jisung turned to face him. "I n-need to see him now", he whispered coldly and followed the doctor.

We were led to the station where Felix was and the closer we got, the more nervous I was. I don't know if I'm prepared for what I'm going to see. The doctor opened a door and we slowly entered the room.

And there he was.

I took some deep breathes while scanning him.

Felix was unrecognizable to me. The colour of his face, the tubes and fluids going in his body, the way he was laying there like a dead person. Everything was too much. I felt like there was no fresh air in this room.

"F-Felix", I whispered, my voice shaking. I completely forgot that Changbin and Jisung where besides me, when I could hear Han letting out a few sobs. Changbin pulled him into a hug, whereas my eyes were still fixated on Felix.

I stepped closer to his bed and reached for his hand. It was so tiny and cold, it felt nothing like the hand of my member that I know so well.

"I'm so sorry Lix", I said again and again, while the other two just watched with pityful eyes. I couldn't stop apologizing until a nurse asked us to leave. As soon as I was out of that room I had to kneel down to catch my breath. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Minho and Seungmin walking towards me.

Just then Changbin and Jisung stepped out of the room, holding onto eachother. Han looked extremely sick and ran instantly to the nearest toilet. Minho immediately followed him and Seungmin gave us concerning looks before slowly entering the room. I didn't want him to be alone in there but the thought of going back was making me feel nauseous too.

Suddenly I heard a desperate cry for help. Before I knew it, the door swung open and Seungmin rushed outside. "HELP! WE NEED A DOCTOR!", he screamed in panic. I watched with my mouth open as two doctors and a nurse ran past me into Felix' room. Felix...

My thoughts went all over the place. I wanted to enter the room but Changbin stopped me and I had no energy to fight back. I looked to Seungmin only to be encountered with a heartbreaking sight. He was sitting on the floor and hid his face while crying heavily.

I freed myself from Changbin's grip and collapsed infront of Seungmin. "WHAT? W-WHAT SEUNGMIN?" I shook him violently.

"H-his h-heart hyung, s-sto-" Seungmin sobbed again. No. Not like that Felix. He's fine. He'll be fine. I can't think of any other possibility.

It can't be....


cried while writing this 😢

Another part? There will be one anyways, just need some confirmation haha

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