Silent pain | Chan

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-requested by oocidiosyncrasies

-hope it's to your liking!



In a world where kindness blooms and thrives,

there exists a soul, selfless in their lives.

With a heart so giving, they never hesitate,

to uplift others, their own needs can wait.

They lend a hand when others stumble and fall,

their compassion, a beacon that touches all.

They offer solace to hearts in need of repair,

while their own burdens they silently bear.



Chan's pov

I woke up feeling groggy, my head pounding and my body aching. It seemed like a typical case of the flu, nothing out of the ordinary. As the leader of our group, I had always felt responsible for setting an example, even when I was under the weather. That's why I forced myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

I came downstairs to an empty living room, before realizing that I was late to our recording. The others must've let me sleep in because they're always scolding me for not resting as much.

Twenty minutes later, I stumbled into the recording room, trying to hide my discomfort. The others seemed to be in another room as I was alone except for one staff member. As soon as I entered, I noticed his gaze on me, as if he was judging me from head to toe. Instead of greeting me like other staff members usually did, he had a stern expression and his voice seemed sharper when he spoke to me.

"You are late today. The others are already warming up! Because of you, we have to redo our whole plan!"

Have the others not told them that I might be sick?

Confused, I bowed to him and muttered an apology, my voice barely above a whisper. Suddenly the door opened, revealing Minho, who looked like he ran a whole marathon.

"Chan, hey, I'm not late am I? I forgot something on the way", he huffed before greeting the staff. To my surprise, he smiled back at him before pointing to the room where the others were in.

I couldn't understand why this staff member was treating me differently. Did I do something wrong? Perhaps I had unintentionelly upset him somehow, but I couldn't recall any such incident.

I followed Minho into the recording studio where the others were already practicing their parts.

"Hey hyung, are you okay? We thought you had a bit of a fever", Jisung explained, as he petted the seat beside him.

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