Fire | Stray Kids pt2

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tw: suicidal thoughts, character death


-It was Jisung's...


"Sir, you need to calm down"

"NO NO NO", he choked out, tears streaming down his face. "Please save him. Get him out of that house, PLEASE!"

"Minho listen to me, you have to breathe"

"can't...I-I can't- I can't b-breathe"


Please. Just help him. Not me.


Minho's pov

"Hyung, can you open your eyes?", a faint voice asked, sounding from far away.

I didn't want to, I didn't want to open my eyes and face reality. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready for the truth. 

I tried to concentrate on my surroundings; The wind blowing softly, the wet grass I was laying on, the hand that held me tightly, but all these sensations were drowned by loud noises around me.

Sirens, shouts and cries.

I was neither dead, nor was I in a hospital. I was still there, still infront of our house or whatever was left. Whoever was with me, he was trying to tell me something but I didn't listen.

There was still this lingering buzzing sound in my ears which made it difficult to understand what this person was saying.

Slowly I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw were blurry images of the sky. There was something else, something disturbing the pretty image.

A thick smoke clouding into the sky, signalizing a great catastrophe.

With much difficulty I turned my head a little and realized that the person was Changbin. His dark eyes were forlorn, staring at me, his face and clothes covered in dust and dirt.

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