Cheesecake | Minho

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-I can't believe that school is over forever. All those years of homework, tests, exams, class excursions, etc. are now over which seems so crazy to me. Time really flies and although I'm a bit scared of the future, I'm also extremely excited for what's next.

-Writing is still something I enjoy very dearly and I hope to try out different styles and genres in the future.

-Anyways, I hope you're all doing fine and well and enjoy the hot weather!


Minho's pov

I woke up feeling exhausted, as if I hadn't slept at all. My throat was sore and my head was pounding. I tried to get up, but my body felt as heavy as a rock. I groaned and laid back down, hoping it was just a passing sickness.

Unfortunately, it wasn't. As the day went on, my symptoms only seemed to get worse. My voice became hoarse and my nose was stuffed up. I could barely keep my eyes open and my body was wracked with chills. 

Luckily, I had a few days off as we have just finished filming music videos and interviews for our new comeback, so I could allow myself to rest and recover. Still, I imagined my days off differently than being sick in bed.

Suddenly I heard someone knocking on my door. I blinked at my phone and saw that it was already 3 p.m. The others might have noticed that I didn't show up to breakfast. All of us except for Jeongin, Jisung and Hyunjin, who were visiting their families, stayed at home and relaxed after having to work nearly everyday.

I didn't dare to use my voice so I just waited for the person to come in.

"Hey hyung, are you okay?" Felix asked, looking concerned.

I shook my head weakly. There was no reason for lying and trying to appear fine when I felt like complete crap.

"I don't feel good," I croaked out, immediately regretting using my voice. 

He stepped closer to me and felt my forehead. "You have a fever hyung," he sighed, "I'll bring you some stuff and tell the others, okay?"

I nodded and closed my eyes, the light coming through the window making me feel worse. After some time, Felix came back with some medicine and Chan, who gave me a sympapthetic look.

"Try to sleep a little yeah? We'll be here if you need anything."

I slowly nodded, hoping that they understood that I had no energy to say anything. I felt awful and the only way to feel less awful was to drift into a nice, peaceful sleep.

For the next few days, I was bedridden. I could barely eat or drink anything and I was constantly shivering. The other members took turns sitting with me, bringing me food and water and making sure I had enough blankets to stay warm.

"I'm sorry," I said weakly one day, feeling guilty for being such a burden. They should rest and do what they want to do in their freetime, but now they had to watch over me.

"Don't be sorry man," Chan said. "We've got your back."

I smiled weakly, greatful for their support. It meant everything to me, knowing that I wasn't alone in my sickness.

As the days passed, I began to feel a little better. My throat stopped hurting, my nose cleared up, and my fever broke. But still, I was pretty weak and shaky, and I was getting bored of lying in bed all day.

"I need to get up," I said, feeling restless.

Changbin looked at me skeptically. "Are you sure? You still look pretty sick."

"I'm sure," I replied firmly, "I can't take this anymore." 

The others exchanged worried glances, but they helped me get out of bed and walk around the room. I felt dizziness wash over me but it was nice to be up and moving again.

"Hey hyung, you want to play a game?" Seungmin asked, holding up a deck of cards. 

I nodded eagerly, dying to do anything rather than lying in bed. "Yeah, let's do it." 

We spent the rest of the day playing cards and chatting. I felt a sense of normalcy returning and it was all thanks to my friends.

"Thanks guys," I said that night, feeling kinda emotional. "I don't know what I would do without you."

"Uhm, probably just lay there and feel sorry for yourself," Changbin joked.

The others chuckled. "Yeah, we basically had to force-feed you soup and crackers," Seungmin added.

I rolled my eyes, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Hey, I was really sick!"

"We know, we know", Chan said, patting me on the back. "But you're better now, so let's celebrate!"

I glanced at him confused, not knowing what that meant exactly.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing Jisung who looked like he ran a whole marathon.

"Ji, you made it!" The others cheered as he entered the living room, holding a white box in his hand. 

"Sungie? I thought you were still with your family," I said surprised.

He smiled at me before settling down on the couch, placing the box on the table.

"Well, I heard that you feel better now and I didn't want to waste a chance of getting  something to celebrate."

I shook my head at him and laughed, feeling truly grateful that he was here. He gave me a gentle nudge before turning to the others and opening the white box.

"Alright, who wants cheesecake?" 



I hope you don't mind that nothing really special happenend, I thought I'd write something less dramatic for once   ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ

I'm trying to update every Sunday now, let's see how it goes ;)



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