Sick | Felix pt4

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I know it started off as a Changlix story but last part it basically involved Chanlix and I think I'll just stick with this titel for now on haha

x Make sure to read the previous parts x

x Enjoy! x


Seungmin's pov

I don't know how long I sat there on the floor, balling my eyes out. I couldn't look anyone in the eyes, not even Chan hyung, who seemed to break at any moment. Changbin ran to the others in the waiting area to tell them what happened but I don't think that's a good idea. I don't know if Felix will make it but I just can't live with the fact that he leaves this world like this.

I wish I would have just talked to him more, helping him, making him feel included and loved. I will never forgive myself for doing nothing. I will never forget the sight of Felix frail looking body, surrounded by tubes, pumps and monitors and then his heart rate drops and drops and-

The door suddenly opened and one of the doctors looked around. He seemed really tired and had a distressed look on his face.

I barely managed to stand up but somehow I did it and stumbled to him, next to Chan. Neither of us said anything, we just wanted to know, know that he's okay, that he'll get better. The doctor took a long breath and opened his mouth, while I closed my eyes.

"Your friend is fine", I heard without believing it.

HE IS...what?

I opened my eyes to see a little smile on the doctor's face. I took a deep breath and felt some relief.

"His heart stopped beating properly which is most likely due to the antibiotics we gave him as his body was already in a weak state. However we were able to restore a normal heart rhythm and stabilize his vitals but nonetheless we had to put him in an artificial coma."

My eyes widened again. "C-coma?", I asked shyly. The doctor nodded.

"F-for how l-long?"

"I can't say for sure but probably for a few days since his body really needs to recover."

We nodded silently. "C-can we see him?", Chan asked, while running through his messy hair.

"I'm afraid not since we have to run a few tests to see if his brain is damaged in any way, which I don't hope. I can promise you that we'll take good care of your friend and if anything happens we'll call you right away. I recommend you now to go home and get some rest."

He gave us an encouraging smile before walking away. We were left behind unsure of what to do.

"I think it's the best to go home for today, we're all pretty exhausted and tired.", I said while looking to Chan. He nodded and put an arm around me and we slowly walked to the others.

They looked absolutely drained and sad, some of them were crying since they didn't know if Felix was alive. I quickly explained what the doctor said and saw their happy and relieved reactions immediately. Even Jisung smiled, who still looked a bit pale. Chan called our manager to bring us home and soon we arrived at the dorms.


Time skip


Felix's pov

The last few weeks were intense. I woke up to my members in a hospital where I was told I was in a coma for three days and had a severe heart attack which I still can't believe. The last thing I remember was going to the bathroom and then it was as if someone took over my body's control. I knew I was sick but I was too scared to tell anyone that my hallucinations were getting worse and worse.

Jisung told me with tears in his eyes how he found me and it was heart breaking to hear what he had to go through because of me. All the members had a hard time just because of me, just because I was too afraid to say something.

I still have to stay in hospital for the next days and then I'll probably be transferred to a special clinic for better treatment. The doctors diagnosed me with paranoid schizophrenia which I didn't even know existed before. I thought the reason for my hallucinations and voices was just lack of sleep.

Anyways, every night at the hospital I cry myself to sleep for putting my members under enormous stress although they assured me that they're just happy that I'm doing better.

The tour got postboned until I'll get better but I doubt that I'll dance anytime soon. I have to stay at least a month at the special clinic and after that I'll have to go to therapy and take medication.

It will be a rough time but I know that I'll have 7 brothers, who will support me in any way. 

I looked up to seven figures standing around my bed.

"I've probably said it a thousand times before but I'm so happy to have you guys. You all mean a lot to me and I don't know how I can thank you for being here with me", I said slowly.

"I don't know what I would do without you guys", I finally broke into crying.

I could here the others sniffing and soon I felt some pets on my arms and legs.

"Felix...", Chan began but was interrupted by a sob.

"You mean so much to us, of course we are here for you!", Hyunjin exclaimed while he wiped his tears away.

"You can trust us and tell us everything Lix, we only want to help you", Changbin sobbed.

The sight of my members all crying together and to hear their words made me cry even harder.

We have shared some pretty emotional moments already but none can come any near to this moment right now. I feel so loved and safe, I can't even express in words. They give me a glimmer of hope, a strength, a reason that I need to keep going.

"I will get better, I promise I will", I said, smiling at each member.

I will



Hope you liked this little series!

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