Forced | Hyunjin

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-tw: physical abuse, sexual assault, violence, swearing

-requested by athleticnerdgirl & Maysa7668

-I tried combining your requests, hope that's okay!


Hyunjin's pov

"Is it just us today?" I looked at Chan who was currently stretching his arms. 

After singing for nearly two hours straight, I was too tired to be excited for our dance session today and I couldn't wait to be in my warm bed again. Normally, dance lessons were the highlight of my day but only when being at my best. Otherwise, I was uncontent with my movement and I would get annoyed too quickly. And for a person who always wants to give 110 percent, it was dreadful to be the reason for stopping the other's dance flow, mine included.

 "No, Myo-nim will come later."

I stopped in my actions, feeling extremely hot all of a sudden.

"Myo Sangkyu? The one we had last month?" I asked again, maybe a bit too urgent.

After Chan nodded, my heart sunk to my stomach. Mister Myo Sangkyu was the last person I wanted to deal with today. While he was a super strict and rigorous teacher, he also had this weird vibes to him that made me extremely uncomfortable. I caught him staring at me more than once and I didn't like how he spoke to me. 

He treated me differently than the others and I had no idea why and I certainly had no interest in finding out. The others haven't noticed anything and I didn't plan on telling them. It would only add to their stress and I didn't want to bother them with something that isn't worth mentioning.

"Hyunjin, are you still there?" Chan chuckled while holding a hand out to me.

I noticed that the others had already finished with stretching and waited for me to get up. I quickly rose to my feet and got into position.

"Good, is everyone ready? We'll start from the top and later we do the solo parts", Minho explained.

I hummed in agreement, shaking my legs and hands one more time in hope to get rid of the tiredness. At least the dance teacher hasn't showed up, so I had some time to properly warm up.

As we ran through the song twice, Mr. Myo finally walked in with his normal serious expression on his face. I immediately tensed as his piercing gaze landed on me. I could feel a knot forming in my stomach, sensing that this wasn't going to be easy.

He greeted us with barely any respect and before I knew it, we had to show him what we've rehearsed. I gave everything I've had, pouring my heart and soul into every step. However, I couldn't quite concentrate since Mr. Myo's critical gaze remained upon me, his expression clouded with dissatisfaction.

"Hyunjin, you're lacking fluidity," he remarked sharply, his voice cutting through the air. "You're capable of more!"

Frustration welled up inside me. I had practiced tirelessly, dedicating countless hours to perfecting my craft. I just had an exhausting day, I couldn't always be at my best. Wasn't this human?

In the mirror I saw Jeongin making a mistake, using the wrong arm for a specific move. But of course, this went unnoticed by Mr. Myo.

After we finished the song, he stepped closer to me, making me want to sink into the earth.

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