Top | Han

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-tw: fainting, acrophobia

-requested by: Aley_bun123

-so sorry but I've changed your request a bit, hope that's okay^^


࣪ ִֶָ☾.

Jisung's pov

The morning of the shoot, I woke up with a heavy feeling in my chest. Today was the big day—our rooftop video shoot. The others seemed excited, buzzing with energy, but all I could think about was how high up we'd be. Heights had always been my weakness, an irrational fear that gripped me every time I looked down from more than a few stories up.

I sat up in bed, staring at my hands. They were already trembling, and the sun hadn't even fully risen. "Get it together, Jisung," I muttered to myself, taking deep breaths like the therapist had taught me. In through the nose, out through the mouth. But no amount of breathing exercises could calm the storm brewing inside me.

During breakfast, the guys tried to lighten the mood with jokes and playful banter. I forced a smile, not wanting to bring them down. Minho, who was usually good at sensing these things, kept glancing my way, his brow furrowed with concern. He knew about my fear, having dealt with his own.

"Ready for tonight?" Chan asked, his eyes bright with anticipation.

I nodded, avoiding his gaze. "Yeah, can't wait."

Inside, I was anything but ready. As we headed to the venue for rehearsals, my anxiety only grew. The elevator ride up to the rooftop felt endless. When the doors finally opened, I had to fight the urge to stay inside. The view from up here was breathtaking, but all I saw was the terrifying drop beyond the edge of the stage.

Minho was by my side in an instant. "You okay?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah, just... getting used to it," I lied.

He didn't look convinced, but he didn't push. Instead, he stayed close, his presence a comforting reminder that I wasn't alone in this. The setup for the shoot was a blur of cameras, lights, and crew members bustling around. I stayed near the center of the stage, avoiding the edges as much as possible.

"Hey, if I fall, at least I'll get a view, right?" I said, forcing a laugh.

Chan chuckled, patting my back. "Don't worry, we've got you."

But the jokes felt hollow, the laughter strained. Minho shot me a look that said he knew exactly what I was doing.

Minho's pov

As the sun began to set, the reality of what we were about to do hit all of us. The rooftop stage was impressive, with the city sprawled out beneath us, but it also highlighted just how high up we were. I kept a close eye on Jisung. He was doing his best to stay calm, but I could see the strain in his eyes.

"Remember that time at the amusement park?" I said, trying to distract him. "We both chickened out on the Ferris wheel."

He laughed, but it was forced. "Yeah, I remember. Good times."

"Well, if we got through that, we can get through this," I assured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We've got each other's backs, right?"

He nodded, taking a deep breath. "Right."

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