Missing | Minho

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-requested by: ZHCPCEO

-tw: blood, violence, verbal and physical abuse, cursing

-hope you'll like it!


Minho's pov

"I'm almost home", I said into the phone while walking down the streets. The sky was already pitch-dark and only few cars drove by.

Taking long walks at night was something that I did quite frequently. The feeling of freedom and peace and the fact that I could go out without fans recognizing me, was, what made it so special. We had never much time for just us so these lonely but relaxing moments where to ones I mostly looked forward to.

"Alright, see you later"


I hung up and felt the cold rising from my feet, making me shiver slightly. I should've taken my scarf and gloves with me.

Suddenly I heard footsteps from behind, making me forget the cold for a moment. I turned around to see the contours of a person, walking towards me. My heart began to beat faster and the fact that there were no street lights made me feel even more anxious.

I increased my pace and forced myself to shake the thoughts away.

Why are you scared Minho? It's just another person that walks at night.

I couldn't help but to look back again and to my horror I realized that this person was running into my direction. Running?!

I gasped and immediately started to run aswell. My thoughts went all over the place and my heart was now racing while I ran as fast as I could.

I looked around for other people but it was nearly impossible to see anything in the dark. I constantly looked back and saw the person coming closer and closer. This couldn't be a coincidence. This person was targeting me. How long have I been followed?

Suddenly I felt a hard impact and before I realized what it was I already fell onto the ground.

I must have hit something at full speed. I ignored the pain in my head and tried to stand up but just then I felt a punch against my ribs.

I was scared to death but I couldn't stand up again.

"LET ME GO!", I screamed desperately, in hope someone would hear and help me.

The only answer I received was a hit right in my eye.

"Goodnight Minho", someone said, followed by a malicious, deep laugh. Another punch gave me the final straw to make everything go black.


Chan's pov

"Hyung, I'm sorry to disturb but where the hell is Minho? Have you reached him yet?"

I stared at Jisung, wishing I could say something but I had no idea where Minho was. It was near midnight and he still wasn't home. He said he would be there soon and then he hung up.

"I've already called him like a thousand times. No idea where he is."

I watched how Jisung's expression turned even more worried.

"What if something happened? We have to do something!"

"Jisung, I'm concerned as much as you are but-

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