Wounds | Chan pt2

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-tw: mentions of child abuse, swearing

-as requested, a part two!  

(tbh, I could write a whole book about this 😭)



A child's innocence, stolen away,

In the hands of those who should,

protect and sway.

Tender souls, fragile and pure,

destroyed and tormented, 

hard to endure.


Jisung's pov

"Finally, what the hell happened? Where is he now? Is he okay?"

I sighed as I entered the living room, seeing all of my members gathered together on the sofa. They all seemed extremely worried and desperate to find out more about what happened earlier. 

"He's okay, he went to his room to rest for a bit. It's better to give him some space", I replied, noticing the other's confused faces.

"Guys, he had a panic attack, probably because of stress and his lack of sleep. You know how bad his habits are!"

Minho snorted loudly at that, turning his head to look at me. "He was scared of me Jisung. He thought I would hit him or something. I would never do that!"

"We know Min, it's okay." Hyunjin assured, the others humming in agreement. I could tell that Minho was fighting tears back, as he just shook his head.

I wanted to tell the others so badly about what Chan has told me but I couldn't do that. It wouldn't be right. But leaving the others ignorant was also not the best solution.

"Look, he doesn't want you to know and I respect that. We should just be here for him if he ever decides to talk about it", I stated sheepishly, fearing the others would pester me with thousands of questions.

To my surprise, the room stayed silent for a few moments.

"Is it that serious?", Jeongin asked, his voice laced with concern. I looked to the ground, nodding slightly. I couldn't do this. This was so wrong. 

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