bloody stroll | Jeongin pt2

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x make sure to read first part x

x enjoy! x


Chan's pov

"Felix, please calm down, I bet he'll be alright". I gave him a quick glance which was enough for me to see how he looked everything but okay.

The whole ride he stayed silent, only sobbing here and there but seeing him in this frozen state made me feel helpless on a totally different level. We were sitting in the waiting area for quite a while now, with us being nearly the only ones there at this time. I already asked the nurse multiple times about our friend's state but no one was able to tell us.

Right before I wanted to say something to Felix I saw two police officers walking towards us. I completely forget that I also informed the police when Felix called me for help.

"Good evening. The paramedics told us to find you here at the hospital. You're Yang Jeong-in's friends right?", one of them asked with a low voice.

I nodded quickly, I was honestly a bit indimidated.

"Good, we wanted to ask a few questions since you were witnesses". The female police officer sat down besides Felix while the other pulled out a notebook and a pen.

"I-I wasn't a witness, I was the one who called", I explained, "b-but my friend was there when...J-Jeongin...when it happened".

She nodded sympathetically before turning her gaze to Felix. "So, can you please tell us everything that happened, as much detailed as possible. That would be great", she said and gave a friendly smile.

Felix was slowly looking at her, then at me. "It's okay Felix, tell her what happened". I gave him a comforting smile. He exhaled deeply and began to speak in a shaky voice.

The officers listened carefully and noted what Felix said but he had some hard time resuming what had happened earlier. At some point I had to step away for a moment as Changbin has called for any updates.

"Are you coming home hyung? Can you finally tell us what happened exactly? Felix doesn't answer my calls".

"We...we are at the hospital because Jeongin was beaten up pretty badly, he may has internal bleedings or I don't know really, the doctors haven't told us yet", I had to pause to catch my breath.

The longer we're waiting, the more I worry. It is a bad sign that it takes so long right?

Completely lost in my thoughts I overheard the gasp what came from the other end of the line.

"A-and Felix? Is he okay?", I heard a shaky voice asking.

"Oh I'm sorry, yes he...he's fine but he had to witness the whole thing you know."

I didn't even want to imagine what it must have felt like. I've never been in a  fight nor seen one and I'm very glad about that.

"Should we come? Should I inform the others?" I nodded but then I realized that Changbin couldn't see me.

"Please come, I-I think I need your help with Felix and all", I said quietly, trying to hold back my tears.

After I hung up I walked back to Felix and the officers who were about to leave.

"We'll do anything we can, but I can't promise anything. Please call us when you're friend is better". After they left I sat down beside Felix, whose face was covered in tears.

"It's okay Lix, let it all out", I said, while embracing him. Shortly after a doctor appeared, who seemed pretty old and tired.

"Yang Jeong-in?", he just said while looking at us with a questioning look. I nodded and stood up although my legs felt like they would stop working at any moment.

"Follow me please", the doctor said quickly without looking at us again. I grabbed Felix and tried to keep up with the doctor. I wanted to ask how Jeongin was but I couldn't open my mouth. It was all going too fast. And then we suddenly stood infront of a bed, where Jeongin was lying.

The first thing I noticed were the bandages who covered a good portion of his body. One of his legs was in a cast and his face and arms were full of blue and purple bruises.

"Oh my god", I gasped. Felix somehow snapped out of his trance like state and moved to Jeongin's side, grabbing his hand.

"Can we talk outside please?", the doctor asked and I nodded before looking at Jeongin and Felix one more time.

Jeongin's pov

 "J-Jeongin?", I slowly opened my eyelids which was more difficult than I was used to. I blinked a few times before I could recognize that I was in a hospital.

I tried to speak but it hurt.

Everything hurt.

But even worse, there was a hard pressure on my chest. I could still feel how they kicked me with such a force I couldn't imagine before. I could still feel every single punch and their voices, their nasty voices full of-

"Jeongin?! Can you hear me? I'm here, it's okay". I hear someone say.

Someone with a soft, caring voice, that sounded very familiar.

It was Chan hyung. My eldest hyung.

I couldn't really see his face since my vision was still blurry and it was too painful to fully open my eyes. What happened? The last thing I knew was that I fainted at some point, I really thought they would beat me to death. Apparently they didn't but how did I get here?

Again I wanted to talk but my mouth wouldn't open. I panicked because I couldn't feel my mouth anymore and wasn't in control of moving it.

"Innie, don't speak, your jaw is broken", I heard Chan saying. "Shh, it's okay, you're fine, you're at the hospital and safe now", he softly said while caressing my hand.

I relaxed a little but still there were unanswered questions.


Oh god, did they beat him too? I can't remember.

Chan seemed to know what I was thinking. "Felix is okay, he's with the others outside. It would be a litte overwhelming for you if we were all cramped in here right?". He gave me a sad smile.

I tried focusing on him and with much effort I could see tears running down his face. I didn't like seeing my hyung cry, especially not when I'm the reason. But I couldn't tell him to stop. Instead I tried squeezing his hand, which made his face expression soften.

"Innie, I'm so sorry that this happened to you, I should've been there to protect you two, I-I'll never forgive myself for letting this happen".

I was stunned by his words and tried shaking my head. He noticed but just looked at me with worried eyes and continued.

"I promise you, you'll be safe with me and the others and I will try to protect you as much as I can". I looked at him and felt my eyes filling with tears.

Even though I was with him I still felt a bit unsafe as if these men could return any moment and beat me up again. It will take me a long time to get over this, if I'm ever going to get over this.

Tears were running down my face but I felt a light pressure on my hand.

"We will help you Jeongin, you'll get better I promise you that"


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