Fire | Stray Kids

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Chan's pov

It was already late at night when I decided I had enough for today. I have nearly spent six hours working on three different songs, which took away my whole free time. I wasn't even feeling tired as I was used to being awake until early morning hours but I needed a small break from staring at a bright screen.

As I wanted to save my files, the computer suddenly made weird noises and in the next moment, the entire system crashed. Trying to stay calm, I examined the PC, that was cleary overheating.

All of the sudden there was a smell of something burning in the room.

Before I could do anything, there was a bright flash of light coming out of one of the wires, followed by a loud noise.

A hard object hit me on my head, right above my eye, and in the next moment, I could already feel the hard ground.

Seungmin's pov

I woke up to a strange smell in the room, which made me open my eyes in an instant.

To my horror I realized that the whole room was filled with smoke.

Before I could realize what was happening, a loud shrill tone chimed throughout the house, making me startle and jump out of my bed.

"Fire", I thought out loud, my panic rising.


I have to get out.

I covered my face with my t-shirt, trying to breathe as little as possible, and threw open the door. More smoke immediately came towards me and I wondered why the smoke detector didn't go off sooner.

Holding my breath and slamming into things I couldn't see, I rushed down the corridor, which was filled with dense smoke. My vision was blocked but somehow I made it into another room, where I found two of my members.

At first I couldn't make out what Minho was trying to tell me, but as I looked at Jeongin, who was nearly passed out in Minho's arms, I knew what he was trying to say. The alarm was still going on and it was so loud, there was no chance of hearing anything else but my thoughts.

I nodded to Minho and tried to get into the next room but just then I felt a burning sensation of smoke filling my lungs. The coughing didn't make it any better, it just hurted more and more. But I couldn't give up, I couldn't leave this house without all of them.

Suddenly I bumped into something and when I felt hands searching for mine, I exhaled deeply.

"SEUNGMIN? WHERE ARE THE OTHERS?", Changbin screamed in his loud voice, that sounded so small in this moment. His face showed a scared expression and his hands were trembling in mine.

"MINHO AND JEONGIN ARE OUT! YOU GO DOWNSTAIRS, I STAY HERE!", I yelled in hope it was loud enough for him to understand. He looked at me as if he was trying to argue but nevertheless agreed to my plan.

We parted and I tried to make my way through the thick smoke, eventually reaching a door to another bedroom. I squeezed my eyes in order to see someone and just then I noticed two people on the ground.

It was Felix, who was desperately trying to wake Hyunjin, who was making no sign of any movement. He tried to carry him but the small person he is, it was just too difficult.

I kneeled down beside the two and tried to communicate with Felix, who was looking terrified at me. Together we were able to lift Hyunjin up and we slowly dragged him to the front door. With the last energy we had, we went as far from the house as possible before dropping down on the grass.

All the smoke and coughing made me dizzy but still I tried to get a sight at our house. Flames could be seen from the windows downstairs, where Chan's office was and the rampaging smoke that fogged up the air.

I noticed people on the streets, watching from a distance, calling for help. The alarm was so loud, it must've woken up the whole street.

My eyes then fell on Minho and Jeongin who were a few metres away from us. I looked to Felix who was trying to help Hyunjin, despite of having troubles to breathe.

Everything felt like a blur to me. The fire, that now found its way upstairs, created a pungent smell that spread through the air. With every minute passing, the chances of the others getting out safely were slowly decreasing.

Suddenly I could see the front door opening and with another wave of smoke, Changbin and what seemed like our leader stumbled out and both collapsing to the ground.

Just then, I could hear sirens from afar and the blue lights that were approaching.

Changbin managed to carry him and Chan closer to us so that they were at a safe distance to the house that was now nearly covered in red and orange flames. I gasped at Chan's sight, blood dripping down his head, and his face smeared with black ash. Before I could say anything, fire and rescue services were finally arriving at our place.

Shortly after two teams of paramedics were running to us, while the firemen began to put out the fire.

"Is anyone still in there?", one of them asked Changbin, who was the most responsive of us all. My heart was pumping as I could see his eyes quickly checking the surroundings, his eyes stopping on Minho and Jeongin.

"O-one is missing", he said, his eyes filling with tears.

And then I could only watch how Minho escaped the holds of one of the paramedics, sprinting to the burning house, trying to enter it, but firemen stopped him.

His cries, his screams, his sobs were unbearable.

He eventually broke down and was brought back to the paramedics, who had to sedate him. Only the quiet sobbing of a name could be heard from his direction.

It was Jisung's.


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