Migraine | Changbin

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-requested by: kpoploverfictions

-hope you like it!


Changbin's pov

"Bin, it's your turn"

I shortly grunted and made my way into the recording booth. Today we were recording our lines for a new song Chan and I were working on. Everyone, except Danceracha, were sitting on the couch behind Chan, who was managing all the producing stuff.

I prepared and revised my lyrics but the letters I've written down seemed to fall apart everytime I tried to read them. I placed my hand on my forehead and rubbed the spot softly where I felt a dull pain increasing.

I took a deep breath and started rapping after Chan gave me the sign to start. It didn't went how I wanted it to go but Chan seemed to be content. I came out of the booth and just wanted to sit down but Jisung decided to take up half of the space.

"Come move", I instructed but the said didn't move an inch.

"Only when you do aegyo for me", he replied, blowing a kiss at me teasingly.

Normally I would give him a cheezy respond but I wasn't in the mood for that today.

"Changbinnie", Seungmin giggled amused, "Are you too tough for doing aegyo? Awww"

The noise of their laughter just added to the pain I felt. I could only shook my head and took a deep breath. "Please, can I just sit down".

I thought they would notice the seriousness in my voice but they just continued teasing me.

"YA JISUNG! Go into the booth. Now!"

Everyone turned their heads to Chan and it became akwardly silent in an instant. Jisung fortunately stood up without any protest and I could finally sit down. However, my headache kept getting worse and I couldn't concentrate on anything at all.

It certainly didn't help that the others were in such a good mood, the constant joking and laughing just getting onto my nerves. Luckily we finished after two hours with me trying my best to ignore and cover the pain.

I noticed Chan giving me some weird looks a few times but I didn't want to bother him with my problem. I knew he was already stressed about finishing this song so I just kept silent.

Arriving at our dorm, the others prepared dinner for us which I couldn't refuse. I was far from feeling hungry so I just picked my food and took tiny bites here and there. I could feel some of my members staring at me but I couldn't care less. All I wanted was to be alone and get some sleep.

"Hyung are you okay?", Hyunjin suddenly asked, looking at me confused.

I nodded instantly but the sudden movement made me feel dizzy and nauseous alltogether.

"I...I'll be right back", I mumbled before sprinting to the toilet as fast as I could.


Chan's pov

"I knew it! Something is obviously wrong with him and you, especially you Jisung, had nothing better to do than teasing him?" I shook my head and glared at Jisung who gave me a frown.

"How can I know that he wasn't feeling well? It's not that I can see through a person".

"I think you know him well enough to tell when he feels sick and today he acted so strange, a blind person could've seen that he was unwell", I said annoyed but immediately felt guilty for scolding him like that. I knew I was just letting my worries out onto him.

"Whatever, I'll check up on Bin", I sighed and stood up, leaving them in complete silence.

I made my way upstairs and knocked softly on the bathroom's door, where the sound of someone vomiting could be heard.

"Binnie, it's me Chan hyung, can I come in? I just want to help".

"Door is open", was the only thing I could hear between some caughing.

I opened the door and immediately shut it behind me after I entered the room. I gasped slightly as I saw Changbin bent over the toilet, breathing and caughing heavily. I immediately kneeled down beside him, one hand going to support him and the other rubbing soothing circles on his back.

After a few more minutes he seemed to be done and let himself rest on me, his sweat dripping down on my sweater.

"Feeling any better?", I asked while putting a few strands of his hair away.

"My head...is killing me", he groaned softly and clasped his hand to his forehead. I watched him worriedly and thought about what I could do to help him.

"Bin, you want to sleep in my room today? I bet you wouldn't want to have a raging Felix playing Genshin all night next to you".

He nodded slightly with his eyes closed, his body shivering.

"Are you cold? Let's get you into bed okay?". I pulled him closer to me and carried him to my room without much effort.

After I covered him with my sheets, I quickly left the room to grab some stuff that might help him. I carefully placed a wet cloth onto his head and gave him some painkillers.

"You should feel better in a bit". I was about stand up when I suddenly felt a hand holding me back, pulling me onto my bed again.

"Hyung, can you- uhm...can you stay here with me? Please", he whispered in a quiet voice and stared at me with pleading eyes.

I was stunned for a second as I wasn't the first option for cuddling most of the times. Almost all of my members were pretty cuddly but not towards me which is why I was a bit surprised that Changbin now wanted me to stay with him.

"Y-yeah sure!" I laid down and put my arms around him, embracing him in a warm hug.

"Thank you hyung", he mumbled softly and closed his eyes.

I waited until I could hear his steady breathing before I shut my own eyes and drifted off into a deep slumber, feeling extremely relaxed and comfortable beside him.

I'm always here for you. For whatever. For as long as you need me.




-The Stray Kids fire series isn't over yet, I'm still working on an alternative end!

-I hope I can finish the other requests next week, before my exams are starting.

-Have a fun Halloween!


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