Cut | Seungmin

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Hyunjin's pov

"Do you guys want to cook or should I order something?", I asked around.

We just came back from an intense dance practice which lasted for hours. As much as I love dancing, it's pretty exhausting and tiring.

"Uhm, we're going straight to bed", Jisung said nervously while dragging along a grinning Minho. I grimaced and tried to ignore what I just saw.

"We're actually going out today, but thanks for asking hyung!", Felix told me and I noticed that he and Changbin had their shoes still on.

"Well have fun I guess", I said but they were already heading out.

"What about you guys?" I looked to our leader and our maknae who were busy teasing each other.

"Okay, I'll just cook something for y'all", I sighed and went to the kitchen.

"Wait, Iet me help you hyung!" A slightly shorter figure appeared behind me.

"Great, at least one of us is listening to me"

He chuckled and pulled his sleeves up. "Sooo....what are we going to do?"

I looked into the fridge and took some ingredients out. "Let's keep it simple and make some noodles and maybe salad?"

"Yep, sounds good".

I cooked the noodles while Seungmin started to cut vegetables for the salad. We eventually got into a discussion about some animation we recently watched when I heard Seungmin screaming suddendly.


He dropped the knife he was holding and held his finger tightly.

"Have you cut yourself? Let me see". I approached him and looked at his finger. It was a small but deep cut and it was bleeding already.

"Oh dear, I'll get the first aid kit", I said while looking for a towel. "Take this and put pressure on it", I commanded to the younger.

"H-hyung, I don't feel good" I looked to Seungmin whose face turned pale. I instantly grabbed him and set him down on the floor.

"Are you okay? Seungmin?" I didn't even notice that his eyes were closed until he opened them again. He looked at me with a shocking expression.

"D-did I just...faint?", he asked with a shaky voice. I nodded and put the towel back on his finger.

"Are you okay Minnie? Have you had enough to drink?", I asked concerned.

"I-I don't know, I...I think i-it's the blood." His eyes wandered to his finger which was covered by the towel.

"It's okay, don't look at that! I'll bring you to the couch, alright?" He nodded and I carefully helped him to stand up and led him to the living room, where Jeongin was.

"What happened?", he asked as soon as he saw Seungmin's state. The poor boy was still pale and the towel was stained with blood.

"Can you bring the first aid kit please?", I ignored the younger's question and put Seungmin onto the couch. Jeongin rushed away without further asking and left us alone.

"Here, drink something" I pointed to the glass of water which was standing on the coffee table. He took a few sips before resting his head on my shoulder.

"At least you've tried helping me", I joked in order to cheer him up. Seungmin gave me a weak smile. How innocent he looked, I thought.

"You've scared me a bit you know?", I confessed.

"I'm sorry". I looked at him surprised to see tears running down his face.

"No, don't cry Minnie, it's okay". I wiped his tears away and embraced him carefully.

"Here's the kit", Jeongin suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I thanked without a word and patched Seungmin's finger up.

"Is it better now?", I asked him. He nodded slightly, still clunging to me.

"Thank you", he whispered softly in my ear. I felt a warm touch on my hand. "I just want to be held for a little longer".

I smiled at the younger's cuteness. Fortunately he couldn't see me blushing.


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