Argument | Seungmin

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"Guys, we have to go soon, does anyone know where Seungmin is?", Chan asked.

Stray kids had to film another episode of "SKZ CODE" today, but one member seemed to be missing.

"I'll get him!", Jeongin said, walking to his room.

There he found a stressed Seungmin, surrounded by clothes and other junk.

"Hyung, we need to-

Jeongin stopped as he looked at the mess.

"What happened here?"

Seungmin sighed and stood up from the floor.

"I was looking for my bracelet, which my mum gifted me once. I searched everywhere, but I can't find it!", he explained.

Jeongin stared at him, not sure what to say.

"Oh, I'm sorry, hyung, but we really need to go now, otherwise we'll be late for our shooting."

Seungmin groaned but eventually he gave up searching and followed Jeongin.

"There you are! Since we're now complete we can go", Chan said and with that the group left their dorm.

The others did not ask why Seungmin was late but they noticed his upset mood.

"Seungmin, is everything okay?", Felix asked him, while getting into the car.

He did not get an answer, so he assumed that he was just having a bad day.

Chan's pov

In today's episode we played some mini-games and competed against eachother. We were truthfully enjoying the time, except for Seungmin, who appeared to be in a bad mood.

He usually brightens the atmosphere but today he was pretty grumpy. I tried talking to him, but he didn't want to speak about it.

I was a bit annoyed by his behaviour but whatelse can I do?

After we were done, Jeongin, Minho, Jisung and Changbin decided to go out and eat, while the rest of us headed home. I was too tired to do anything so I just went straight to bed.

Seungmin's pov

Felix, Hyunjin and I were sitting in the living room, watching Netflix. After the whole day being angry with myself to have lost the bracelet my mum gave to me, I was too exhausted to search again.

"Oh my god, it's so hot in here!", Hyunjin claimed, taking his hoddie off.

I gave him a quick glance, only to see something shiny on his wrist.

"No way", I mumbled to myself, feeling my face heating up.

I jumped off the couch and grabbed his arm to check if it's the one thing I looked for the whole day. Felix was focused on the series, when he saw Hyunjin turn away abruptly.

"What the hell, Seungmin?", Hyunjin said, "Let go of me!"

I was still holding his arm tight, trying to get the bracelet off.

"Give me back my bracelet!", I shouted, maybe a bit too loud.

Hyunjin pushed me away and took off the accessory. "Jeez, there you have it! Why're you so mad?"

I grabbed the bracelet and stared at him with a blank expression. "Are you serious, Hyunjin? You just take something that doesn't belong to you and you don't even apologize?" I shook my head.

"I thought better of you", I added quietly.

Hyunjin looked at me in disbelief. "What's wrong with you? We've always shared our things and you just borrowed my sweater last week! I don't get why I should apologize to you!", he replied angrily.

Now I couldn't help but loose my temper.


Silence filled the room.

"You're so pathetic", Hyunjin muttered and with that he left.

Felix was watching us the whole time with his mouth open. I sighed.

I was hurt by Hyunjin's words but I also regretted sreaming at him.

"What the hell happened?" Chan was suddenly entering the room, suspicious of the noise we made.

Without looking at him, I ran to my room, locking the door.

I was embarrassed and I needed to be alone.


Time skip


I think I fell asleep, when I was awakened by a knock. I heard my name.

It was Hyunjin.


I knew my door was locked so he couldn't enter. I still needed some time to figure out how to apologize to him. I said some horrible things and I could only hope that he was aware that I didn't mean any of that.

"Seungmin, please, I'm not angry at you, I just want to talk, that's all", Hyunjin said softly.

How is he not mad at me? I should be the one to approach him not him!

Withouth thinking again, I rushed to the door and opened it. I couldn't look him in the eyes but I could tell from his voice that he must've cried.

"Hyung, I'm so ashamed of screaming at you. I didn't know why I did that. I was just- I don't know....-" I couldn't think of the right words.

"Look, Jeongin told me already. I didn't know that it was a gift from your mother but nevertheless it was careless of me. I should've at least asked." He sighed. "I'm sorry".

I looked up from the ground and meet his glazed eyes.

"No hyung it's okay, I should have talked with all of you about why I was so upset in the beginning. And I feel so awful insulting you, I'm really sorry about what I said. I hope you can forgive me..."

He pulled me into a hug and I exhaled in relief.

"Don't worry, I know what the bracelet meant to you. I'm just glad that we could talk this out."

I nodded and clung to his chest.

What a day...


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