Heat exhaustion | Chan

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x Sorry for not updating, school just started and it's already pretty stressful x

x Anyways, today's my birthday and therefore I decided to upload a chapter, hope y'all gonna like it! x


Chan's pov

It was 7 a.m. when my alarm clock  dragged me out of my sleep. I sighed while turning it off, trying to remember what was on today's schedule. Oh right, we had a shooting somewhere outside with all the trimmings. That meant we all had to do hair and make up and different outfits and themes.

I stood up and my vision instantly darkened. I waited for a few seconds until I could see clear again. It was probably a bad idea to go to sleep at 4 a.m. when we had such a busy schedule on the next day. I didn't feel ill or sore but something told me that I should rest in bed rather than working the whole day.

I ignored the pain that was slowly increasing in my head and made my way to the bathroom.

After a cold shower I went downstairs to the others, who were already eating breakfast.

"Hyung, I made you some eggs!", Felix exclaimed happily as ever. I stared at the plate he was holding and felt nauseous just by looking at the food.

"Oh...thanks, I'm not really hungry", I said while grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

His smile faded but luckily he didn't ask any further. As I wanted to take a sip from the bottle, Changbin suddenly jumped up from his seat.

"GUYS! The driver is already there! We have to leave now!"

I looked at my watch and gasped since it was nearly 8 a.m. Everyone finished his plate and started to get ready but in all the hurry I forgot something.

After we all entered the car, I felt how dry my throat was.

"Does anyone have something to drink?", I asked around but everyone shook his head. I sighed and leaned back in my seat.

This is going to be a long ride...


Time skip


After a long ride and sitting in a chair for almost two hours, we were all ready in our outfits. We all wore black and white costumes, but mine was fully black, which certainly wasn't the best.

The sky was cloudless and the sun was burning like hell. At least we had water to drink but we couldn't take all the bottles to the different spots we went.

After an hour of group shootings we split into two groups, one continuing outside whereas the others could go back to have a little break. I was dying for a rest as my headache got worse but unluckily I got into the group that had to continue.

"Hyung are you okay? You look a bit pale, do you want to have a break?", Minho suddenly asked, which made me flinch a bit as I didn't even notice him standing next to me.

"What, no, I'm okay", I hurried to respond. He gave me a suspicious look but was interrupted when the photographer repositioned us. Changbin and Hyunjin were sitting on the ground whereas Minho and I were told to just stay behind them and look into the camera.

With every minute standing in the sun, my headache kept getting worse and I also started to feel dizzy. I tried to pose as much as my body let me but after a few rounds I felt as if I could faint at any moment.

As the photographer looked through the photos I tried to keep my balance and grabbed onto the nearest thing, which was Minho.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

I could hear the fear in his voice and felt his hand on my back. My vision went fuzzy and black and everything around me seemed to disappear...

Minho's pov

"HYUNG?! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD", I panicked as Chan suddenly slumped down on the ground, where he remained unmoving.

Changbin and Hyunjin were as shocked as me and stared with widened eyes on their leader. I knelt down and checked if he was breathing. He was but still he made no signs of waking up.

"Oh my god what do we do?", Hyunjin nervously yelled, while looking at Chan, than at me.

"Changbin, go and tell the staff, they need to call an ambulance", I instructed without moving my eyes of Chan.

"Chan, c'mon wake up", I whispered while holding his body in my arms. Tears were now forming in my eyes and I desperately looked at Changbin who was talking to the crew and pointing at us.

A sudden movement under my arms made me gasp at once. I looked at Chan's face and saw his eyes flinching.

"Oh my god, Chan, can you hear me? Please say something". I gently stroked over his head and in the next moment he slowly opened his eyes.

I exhaled deeply, while Hyunjin started crying. "You s-scared us h-hyung", he sobbed and took Chan's hand in his. He faintly smiled but then looked back at me.

"W-water...s-sun", he whispered barely but I understood nevertheless.

"Do you think you can stand up?" He nodded and managed to get up while holding tightly onto my arm.

"We just need to walk to the tent, okay?", I said softly while supporting him. We passed Changbin and the crew who were looking at us worriedly.

"Ambulance is on its way", Changbin exclaimed while helping me support Chan.

"Just hold on a little longer hyung", I whispered into his ear, "You're doing so well, we're nearly there".

As we approached the big tent, where all the stylists and staff where, I could see the other member's faces dropping. I ignored them and helped Chan on a chair.

"Here, drink this". Hyunjin opened a water bottle and held it infront of Chan's mouth. He grabbed it with shaky hands and took a few sips.

"What happened?" The others were now gathering around us, all looking shocked and worried at their leader.

"He fainted, probably because of the heat", I explained as Chan didn't seem to speak. Instead he closed his eyes again and rested his head on my shoulder.

"You'll be fine hyung", I mumbled to him, "help is on its way"


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