Missing | Minho pt2

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-requested by: ZHCPCEO & aaradhyasingh226

-tw: blood, violence, verbal and physical abuse, cursing

-as I mentioned before, I tried combining two requests, hope that's okay!



"Stop the stupid crying, it's annoying."

Something dropped on the floor. A metallic sound could be heard, drowning every other noise in the room. 

"Don't worry, I'll start gently with you"

"P-please, I'll do whatever you say, just...let me go"

A chuckle turning into a nasty laughter.

"Then stay still and stop whimpering already."

A knife cutting deeply into the cold flesh, a burning sensation, a stinging pain,

but no reaction,

no resistence,



Chan's pov

Another night without sleep. Another night without Minho.

It's been a week. A fucking horrible week. The police do everything they can but they have not made any progress.

Minho's absence took a toll on us. The maknaes, especially Jisung were constantly fearing for the worst and nothing, not even me or the others could give them comfort. Our manager put us all on hiatus without telling our fans and the public the truth.

I can't imagine what will happen if Minho wasn't to be found. We can't just continue like nothing happened. I could never.

"Hyung!" Jisung suddenly rushed into my room, completely out of breath.

I frowned as I observed how pale and sweaty he looked.

"What is it?", I asked while sitting up from my bed.

He quickly sat down next to me and showed me his phone with shaky hands. Confused, I looked at the screen and gasped as I saw the messages Jisung received just yet. They were from Minho.

"Hey Jisungie, can we meet up please? I want to tell you why I ran off. Just don't tell anyone, I don't want the others to know yet", I read out loud while my heartbeat was pacing up.

"Ran off? Why would he do that?", I said, sensing that something was obviously wrong.

"Hyung, nobody calls me Jisungie, only Minho does and what if he just needed a break from everything? He told me, he often felt overwhelmed and exhausted by everything", Jisung said hurriedly, "Please, I just want to meet him and see that he's okay."

I looked at the messages again and thought hard. "Okay. You meet him but I'll go with you. I don't want to risk that you'll also go missing."

He nodded and immediately left the room to get ready. I sighed and looked at the phone again.

Why would Minho not respond to our messages and calls? Why would he only write to Jisung?

The bad feeling from earlier didn't go away as everything about this felt so wrong.

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