Hate | Minsung

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"Innie! Go and find Minho, dinner's ready!", Seungmin shouted to the younger. The black haired male obeyed his hyung and quickly rushed to Minho's and Han's shared room. The door was ajar so he stepped in without knocking.

"Hyung, dinner's ready!", he said while walking to his bed.

The only response Minho gave was a small whimper. The younger frowned and stopped moving.

"A-are you okay?", he said surprised as he has never witnessed Minho crying. It was kind of akward as Minho didn't answer again but before Jeongin could do anything, the older boy tossed his bed sheet away and walked past him, his red and puffy eyes visible.

"M-minho hyung wha-", he began but the other boy was already out of his sight.

Some seconds later he moved again and made his way to the kitchen, where he found Seungmin and Jisung setting the table.

"Hey, where's Minho?", Seungmin asked, noticing the younger. Jeongin hesitated before telling them how he found the older boy crying in his bed.

Jisung's eyes widened. "He was crying? Are you sure?" He received a slight nod.

"And then he walked out of his room and I don't know where he went".

"It's okay Innie, I'll look for him", Jisung said while patting the maknae's shoulder.

First he went to the living room where he found Changbin, Felix and Hyunjin watching some movie. After that he went upstairs but all the rooms were empty.

"Minho must have gone outside", the dark-haired male thought. He had no idea where his member went. Probably not to the studio, where their leader was working.

He sighed and put on his shoes and a comfy jacket. He noticed that Minho's jacket was still there although it was freezing cold outside. Jisung's concerns grew more and more...

Jisung's pov

Minho, where the hell are you? I already went to all the places we normally go to but Minho was nowhere to be found.

I was about to give up and call the others to help me when I saw someone sitting on a nearby bench. It was a tiny park, with a small pond and one single bench that was occupied.

How come I've never noticed how beautiful this place was at night? I slowly walked to the bench while looking around. I guess I've spent too much time in the dorm.

I stopped a few metres infront of the person as I wasn't able to see their face but I was sure it was Minho.

"Minho?", I asked quietly.

He immediately looked around, surprised at the sudden noise, but as he recognized me he turned away quickly. For a moment I could see the dry tear stains on his face.

I took a seat beside him and laid an arm around his shoulder.

"What are you doing here?", he mumbled while wiping his face with his shirt.

"I could ask you the same! At least say something when you want to go for a walk, you made us worried you know?", I said in an annoyed tone. He wasn't even looking at me. I noticed him shivering and forgot that he was only dressed in light clothes.

"Don't you wanna go home? It's col-"


I was stunned. He never behaved like this. If he doesn't open to the others, I'm the one who he approaches. He trusts me and I trust him.

"Do you want to talk about it Minnie?", I said in hope he would finally tell me what's wrong. I'm slowly starting to get impatient and it was getting very cold. I waited and waited but there was just silence.

I took my hands off of his shoulders and was about to go when he suddenly moved.

"Jisung, p-please don't leave". He looked at me and I noticed his tired expression. He looked so weak, I felt sorry for him although I didn't know the reason behind. I sat back on the bench and wrapped my jacket around his body.

"I won't leave but you have to tell me Minnie. Something's obviously wrong".

He sighed. Was it so hard to tell me?

"I-I just saw some things on the internet and it made me a bit sad", he said in a shaky voice, his body still trembling.

"You mean like hate comments?", I asked hesitant. We all know that there are people that don't like us but we've gone through so much together that we don't care about these haters anymore. Especially Minho has a strong personality as he was the one who'd always ignore hate.

"Not just comments, basically threats", he said after a while. My head instantly went alarmed.

"You know you shouldn't read them", I tried to say but he interrupted me suddenly.

"Do I have a bad personality?"

He looked at me with sad, teary eyes.

For a brief moment I was shocked, then shook my head wildly. "Are you serious Minho? You are such a wonderful human being, why would you think that?"

He gave me the saddest smile I've ever seen and now I had to fight to hold back my own tears.

It really pains me to know that people say these things to him.

"A lot of people commented it on my last vlive. It's just...I don't know...I felt great today until I saw them and they just...they really hurt"

He lowered his head and sobbed into my arms.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here" I said while squeezing him tightly.

"T-they also said-"

"I don't care what they think, okay? To me, you are perfect and that's the main thing".

Then there was just a moment of silence, just the two of us in each others arms, comforting.

I had a warm feeling around him and for some time I forgot how cold it was.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. Shit! The others must've waited for us the whole time!

We slowly broke the embrace and I grabbed his hand.

"C'mon, let's go home or else my butt will fall off."

He chuckled a bit which made me smile.

I love hearing his giggles, it was a wonderful sound to my ears.


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