Mistake | Changbin

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-requested by Aizawa8Anime

-hope you'll like it!



Changbin's pov

I woke up early today, excited to hit the gym with Chan. We had a lot of intense training planned, and I was ready to push myself to the limit. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my gym bag before heading out to the door.

When I arrived at the gym, Chan was already there, warming up on the treadmill. I joined him and we chatted for a bit before diving into our workout routine. Today's plan was working on my chest and biceps while Chan was focusing on his legs.

We started with some light stretching, then moved on to the weights.

"I'm feeling good today," I told him as I lifted the weights. "I think I can lift more than I did last time."

"That's good to hear," Chan replied with a smile. "But remember to listen to your body. Don't push yourself too hard."

I nodded, but I was determined to push myself to the limit. I started lifting heavier weights than I had before, feeling the burn in my muscles as I strained to lift them.

But then, suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I tried to push through it, but the pain only got worse.

"Bin, are you okay?" Chan asked, noticing the grimace on my face.

"I'm fine, just a cramp in my arm," I huffed, trying to play it off.

But the pain in my shoulder was too much to bear. Chan was quick to take action, helping me to the locker room so I could rest and assess the damage.

"Let me take a look." He carefully examined my arm but even the slightest touch hurt like hell.

"Does it hurt here?"

I winced as he pressed on my shoulder, confirming my worst fears. This was more serious than I thought.

"I think you've injured your shoulder. We should go see a doctor," he sighed, concern etched on his face.

I was reluctant to go, not wanting to miss any training time but the pain was too much to ignore. We made our way to the doctor's office, and I was nervous about what they would find.

After a thorough examination, the doctor broke the news. I had injured my shoulder and would need to take some time off from training to let it heal.

Tears formed in my eyes at the thought of not being able to train for a while. Training was my way of unwinding from the outside world and finding inner peace. It was my routine, a pattern of my daily life that couldn't be missed.

"I'm sorry Binnie," Chan said, putting a hand on my good shoulder. "But your health is more important than anything else. We'll help you through this."

I nodded, feeling defeated. All my hard work and training had come to a halt because of one mistake. What went wrong? Have I really overdone it?

I thought I was ready to climb one step higher but apparently my body couldn't handle it.

Over the next few weeks, my friends and especially Chan were there for every step of the way. He came with me to physical therapy sessions and encouraged me when I felt like giving up.

It was hard to read through comments from stays, saying that I looked much skinnier and people questioning where my muscles went and if I even trained.

It hurt, of course, although I knew that muscles couldn't just vanish in such short period of time but I could see that my injured arm wasn't as big as the healthy one.

"Is it really that obvious?", I asked myself one day, standing infront of the mirror. I looked at my reflection and couldn't help but see my past self. A boy with skinny arms, thin legs and a sharp jaw.

Someone that wasn't considered handsome or pretty. Someone that had no chance of being a proper idol. 

"You look pretty fine to me," someone suddenly said, making my heart jump. Felix was standing at the door, looking at me with an amused face.

I felt caught and quickly tried to change the subject. "Can you not give me a heart attack next time?" 

"Sorry but I was so mesmerized by your body, I just had to say it out loud," he returned bluntly, making me turn red as a tomato. 

I didn't say anything back but stared at the mirror again, still seeing my former self.

"H-Have I made you uncomfortable? I'm sorr-"

"No!" I said quickly, "I just...I don't feel too good about myself. I haven't trained in weeks...,"

I watched his face turning into concern, "and I kinda feel like my old self again."

Wow, did I really just say that to him? I have never once spoken to anyone regarding my body issues. Why should I? If I couldn't handle it myself, others would certainly not.

"I mean, I've just said it out loud but I can surely repeat it again. You are beautiful Binnie, with or without muscles."

I couldn't help but grin at the mirror because now Felix was standing behind me, looking into my eyes through the level. 

However, instead of laughing or smiling, his face remained serious as if he really meant those words.

"Don't let some people who can't be pleased with anything get into your mindset. Just do what you're comfortable with and if it involves training like crazy and gaining muscles than be it," he sighed, pausing for a little.

"But do it for yourself, not for others."


Slowly but surely, I started to see progress. My shoulder was feeling better, and I was able to start training again, albeit at a much slower pace.

Looking back on that injury, I realize how important it was for me to take the time to heal properly. If I had tried to push through the pain, I could have done some serious damage to my shoulder and endangered my entire career.

Now, I'm more mindful of my body and the importance of taking care of myself. I still push myself to the limit in the gym, but I know when to take a step back and rest.

And as I reflect on that painful experience, I'm reminded that sometimes, the greatest strength comes from taking a moment of weakness.

So I carry that lesson with me, always, knowing that the path to true strength, to great achievement is not just about pushing ourselves to the limit, but also about taking care of ourselves and nurturing the resilience that lies within.




-just had to add some Changlix there xD

-I saw some videos of their latest fan meeting and my god, the way the others, especially Binnie are comforting Felix and trying to cheer him up when he cries is just so heart warming and sweet to see. They really are one big family that always stays together no matter what. I love them <3

-!Chan requests are open!


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