Shock | Han

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tw: sad :(

x mentions of Chanlix uwu x

x enjoy! x


Felix's pov

"Oi Channie, wanna watch some Netflix?" I looked at my boyfriend with puppy eyes so he couldn't say no. He chuckled at my expression and sat down next to me.

We had a pretty exhausting day after hours of dance practice since our comeback will soon arrive. Good thing was that we had the whole dorm for us as the others went out eating. I snuggled into his arms, while he was busy looking through the whole Netflix program.

"Hey let's watch Stranger Things, I want to know what the hype's all about".

"Whhaaaat?! No, that's too scary for me!", I replied indignantly. He knows exactly that I hate watching horror films.

"Oh c'mon Felix, I'm with you, you don't have to be scared!" Now he used my strategy to convince me.

"That's unfair! How can I resist when you make that cute face!" I rolled my eyes while Chan was giving me a soft, gentle kiss on my cheek and started the first episode.

Han's pov

I woke up to the sound of someone screaming in a high pitched voice and another one laughing loudly. I groaned and looked at my phone. Five missed calls from my mother and some messages from Hyunjin.

"We are out to eat" and "I didn't want to wake you", I read.

Great. Now I have to cook myself something.

I walked downstairs while calling my mum back. It was unlikely for her to call me that many times but maybe my brother got a promotion or something. Before entering the kitchen, I glanced into the living room, where Felix and Chan were sitting close together. I had to smirk.

"Hello? Jisung?", I heard a familiar voice saying.

"Hey mum, how are you?" I was happy to hear my mum's voice again as I haven't spoken to her what felt like forever. There was a long pause.


Was the connection bad? I could hear some background noises what sounded like stifled sobs.

"Jisungie, I-I have to tell you something baby." Her voice sounded hoarse and whiny.

My heartbeat suddenly went faster and my concerns grew more and more.

"W-what is it mum? Calm down okay?"

I heard my mother crying which made my heart twist.

"Jisungie listen, your father...he h-had an accident."

I dropped the glass which I was holding.


I felt like I was in the wrong movie.

"S-someone crashed into him, w-while he was on his way to work."

"B-but he's okay r-right?" I held my breath.

"The doctors put him into a coma and h-he lost a lot of blood, b-but he'll be alright".

Tears were now streaming down my face. I've not seen my father in a long time, what if I'll never be able to see him again?

"M-mum", was the only thing I could say.

I could tell that she was trying to hold back. I wish I was there to hug and comfort her. I was so shocked that I didn't even notice Felix and Chan were watching me from a distance until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Chan was staring at me with a worried expression on his face. I looked at him which was a bad mistake. Now I seemed to comprehend everything. My dad had an accident and... was in a coma.

Maybe he will never wake up again, who knows. I only know that I'm far far away from him and my family.

"C-chan", I sobbed before dropping on the floor. It felt like I was falling into a big, black hole, with no one there to catch me. I closed my eyes to escape from all what was happening around me. No one could stop me from that.

Felix's pov

"I-is he breathing?"

Chan was able to catch Jisung before he suddenly fell. He must've dropped a glass as the floor was covered with broken pieces.

I looked at Chan desperately as I couldn't move.

"Felix, he's okay, he...he must be exhausted". I could hear how nervous he was.

"Let's bring him upstairs."

He lifted the smaller boy up and slowly walked to his bedroom, while I grabbed a broom to clean up the floor.

Who was Jisung talking to?

After finishing cleaning, I made my way to the other two to find out what happened. The door was still opened and Jisung was awake in his bed, with Chan at his side.

Usually I would get a little bit of jealous whenever the other members are really close to Chan but in this moment I couldn't care less. For a moment I was thinking whether to leave or not but then I saw Han crying heavily, so I had to rush to him.

He let me hug him tightly and I felt his tears dripping down my shoulder. I looked to Chan who had the same clueless face as me. I wiped the tears from Jisung's face and held his chin up so he would face me.

"Jisung, what happened?", I asked carefully. Maybe he wasn't ready to tell us but if we knew what was going on, we could help him better.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"My m-mum called", he said weakly, "and my f-father...", his face changed to a painful expression. "He's a c-coma", his voice broke and loud sobs escaped his mouth.

Chan pulled him into a hug again and I just patted his back.

I was speechless. I have seen his father once Han facetimed with him and he seemed really nice and supportive of his son. I can't imagine how his family must feel right now. I can't even imagine what Han is going through.

If it would be my father, I wouldn't know what to do. I wouldn't be able to handle it, I believe.

After a few minutes of comforting Jisung and shushing him, he eventually fell asleep. I covered him and quietly left the room with Chan.

"We shouldn't leave him alone in there", he protested but I pulled him after me.

"I just want to talk shortly". I sighed.

"Hey, are you okay?" I felt his hand on my cheek. I quickly nodded.

"Yeah, it's sudden. I mean, what are we going to do? We have our comeback ahead of us, how are we able to do that?"

He looked at me for a long time. "Look, we can surely postbone our comeback, our manager will understand that Han needs some time for himself. I think it's the best if I'll inform him right away." I nodded and with that he left.

I entered Jisung's room again and sat down beside his bed. He was sleeping peacefully. I held his hand and stroked over his forehead.

"Everything will be alright", I whispered.

"We're here for you"


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