Somewhere else | Han

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Jisung's pov

I woke up on the day of the interview with a familiar feeling of anxiety in my chest. I tried to shake it off and focus on the day ahead. Today was the day we were scheduled to do an interview for Seventeen, a campaign we were already familiar with.

Still, I couldn't help but to feel nervous and exhausted to put on a brave face for the camera.

I slowly walked downstairs, hoping that the queasy feeling will go away.

"Whoa you look pale, is everything alright?" Changbin asked, who seemingly was the last person to wait for me.

I tried to think of what to say without making a fuss. I didn't want him or the others to go into alarm mode just for the sake of me being dramatic over nothing.

"You know I don't really like those kinds of things but I'm okay. We should get to the others."

I cleared my throat, trying to caugh away the unsteadiness in my voice that showed up whenever I felt anxious. It was so obvious that I didn't want to leave our dorm and do the interview and Changbin knew that but he chose to say nothing and shoved me outside.

After a short ride we arrived at the studio and started to film the interview. We only had to answer some questions and talk about our new comeback. I took a seat in the back behind Felix, hoping I could make myself as invisible as possible. Next to me was Minho, who gave me an encouraging smile.

Everything seemed to be going well at first but after answering a few questions myself, I could feel my anxiety rising. My heart started racing and my palms became sweaty.

I tried to keep it together, but before I knew it, everything started to spin. A sudden heat came over me and the more I tried to focus, the more I drifted away. I tried to hold onto the seat infront of me, but my hands were shaking so badly that I couldn't get a grip.

"Jisung, are you okay?" Felix's voice sounded concerned and far away. He must have noticed my poor attempt of getting a hold of something.

"I don't feel so good", I managed to say before everything went black.

When I came to, I was lying on the floor and there were people surrounding me. My members were there and they all looked extremely worried.

"Ji, can you hear me? Are you okay?" Chan asked.

"I think so," I replied weakly.

"Don't worry, we've called an ambulance. They'll be here soon", he said.

I felt a hand on my forehead, and I looked up to see Minho's concerned face.

He said something to me but I couldn't quite understand him. I looked at the ceiling, feeling extremely embarrassed that I've just fainted infront of everyone. Surely they've seen me faint already but there were also staff and a camera team in the room.

The whole time Chan kept my head safe off the hard ground and Minho held my hand tightly. They already knew exactly what to do and how to make me feel less uncomfortable in such situations. At least, this wasn't a fan meeting or else I would have dealt with much worse.

The ambulance arrived a few minutes later, and the paramedics quickly got to work assessing me. They checked my pulse and blood pressure before helping me onto a stretcher.

As they loaded me into the back of the vehicle, I could see the worried expressions on the other's faces. I knew that they were all concerned about me, and I felt guilty for being the cause.

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