Infection | Stray Kids

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x requested by  DarceyFallows x

x enjoy! x


Chan's pov

"Hyung, I don't feel too well, I think I'm gonna stay in bed today", Jeongin said with a hoarse voice.

I thought for a moment, then looked to the person in the other bed. "That's fine, I think Felix has no schedule today, so he'll look after you. Get some rest alright".

A part of me wanted to stay at home too but Jeongin didn't seem very ill and I also had lots of work to do. Moreover Changbin's also going to be home earlier, so I really don't have to worry.


Time skip


After three hours of producing I looked at my phone to see a few new messages from Changbin.


Jeongin is doing okay, but Lix has no voice at all. Were they out in the cold last night?

Oh and btw Jisung is not coming to the studio, I don't know really know why but he's in his room

Weird, I thought.

No, they weren't outside as far as I remember. But what kind of symptoms do they have?

Do you think it's covid? Maybe Jisung is sick too, pls ask him

I typed and waited for an answer. Now was really not the time to catch the virus. I had lots of production to do and I could only work properly at the studio. It would be a problem going into lockdown. My phone dinged.

They are both feeling weak and Felix' throat hurts and I don't know about Jisung, he's sleeping I guess...could be covid but we haven't really met other people right

yeah, let's just see how they're doing when I'm back, if not we'll get them tested.

I put my phone away started continuing on my work.


Time skip


"I'm home!", I shouted as I walked into our dorm. I got greeted by Minho and Hyunjin who just came back from dancing. After chatting for a bit I walked upstairs to Jeongin's and Felix' room, only to find the two sleeping.

"Ah, you're back", I heard someone say. I turned around to face Changbin, who looked pretty tired.

"Hey Bin, how are they?"

"Not so good, but at least they're sleeping now. I'm also tired, I think I'm going to bed soon", he yawned.

"You don't look very well, you should better get some rest Bin", I said while scanning him up and down. He just nodded and made his way to his room.

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