bloody stroll | Jeongin

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Jeongin's pov

"Felix, can you hurry please?", I shouted.

"I'm here I'm here, you don't have to be so loud", the older said while rolling his eyes.

"I just want to go already", I exclaimed while opening the door. It was pretty cold and dark outside as it was already late at night but Felix and I wanted to go for a short walk to get some fresh air.

I exhaled deeply as I stepped outside and felt a fresh breeze. We went for our usual path which was along the river. There were only very few people we passed but nevertheless we wore our face masks.

About half an hour later we decided to return home.

"It's so nice to go outside without any security right?", Felix said. I nodded but then I noticed a group of people walking towards us.

"Well, we're not quite alone here", I stated, my eyes fixated on the shadows coming closer.

"Looks like they're drunk", I whispered to Felix who  became visibly tense. As we came closer I noticed that it were three man, who looked slightly older than us. One had a bottle of what I assume was alcohol in his hand, the other was blewing out a cloud of smoke.

My heart raced as we only were a few metres away.

"Hey hey, what do we have here?", one of them suddenly shouted with a raspy, low voice.

"C'mon, let's go Jeongin", Felix whispered while grabbing my hand. As we tried to pass, the one with a cigarette got in our way and pushed Felix back. Now I could basically hear my heart beating.

I looked to Felix who seemed angry and scared alltogether but he didn't move at all. My first instinct was to run in the other direction but when I turned I faced one of them who sneaked up behind us.

We're trapped.

"L-LET US GO!", I shouted with fear in my voice. The one behind laughed and grabbed my arm harshly.

"Little boys shouldn't be outside at this time", he said with a malicious laughter followed.

My eyes were wide in shock and fear as I tried to fight his tight grip. There was no chance. He was a lot taller and bigger than me.

"FELIX!", I screamed desperately but there was no answer. Instead I felt a hard fist slammed against my chin. The next moment I was already on the ground, feeling my head pounding.

All I could hear was a nasty deep laugh and some frantic shouts from Felix, that were slowly fading away.

As I tried to regain my consciousness another wave of pain shot through my body. I could taste the blood in my mouth and I felt some warm liquid already running down my nose.

They were all beating me unmercifully until I finally passed out.

Felix's pov

"NOOO" "LET GO OF HIM!", I screamed to the top of my lungs.

I couldn't do anything. I could only watch Jeongin getting beaten up by these nasty grinning men. One of them was still holding me tight and I couldn't escape his grip.

Tears of hopelessness filled my eyes.

After a few minutes what felt like hours, the men apparently had enough and stumbled away into the darkness. I was frozen until I couldn't see them anymore. Then I collapsed besides Jeongin who passed out a while ago and shook him gently.

"JEONGIN? CAN YOU HEAR ME?", I cried out desperately, trying to get the boy conscious again.

His nose was bleeding and his trousers and jacket were wildly damaged, revealing already visible bruises.

"I'm so s-sorry", I sobbed while frantically pulling my phone out to call Chan hyung.

"Felix? What's up?"

I tried to compose myself as much as I could but tears were uncontrollably streaming down my face. "H-hyung, w-we need h-help p-please!"

"Felix, calm down, what happened, where are you?"

I took a few deep breathes before explaining everything.

"Okay, listen Felix, an ambulance is on the way, just hold on a little longer, I'll come".

I put my phone down and tried to help Jeongin but there wasn't much I could do. He had a pulse but his breathing was shallow.

After what felt like an eternity I heard sirens and shortly after help arrived. The paramedics basically had to push me away from Jeongin in order to help him. I didn't want to leave him alone.

"Is he alive, is he going to be okay?", I nervously asked one of the paramedics, who were putting Jeongin into the ambulance.

"He is stable for now but he could be suffering from internal bleeding. Are you okay though?"

I nodded although I wasn't very okay but it didn't matter at the moment. Right now I was just worried about our maknae who I failed to protect.

Suddenly I saw a familiar person running towards me and before I knew it I was in Chan's protectful arms.

"S-sorry", I sobbed into his shoulders while he let go of me.

"Felix, it's not your fault! Are you okay?", he asked worriedly while scanning me up and down.

I sighed and nodded. "Let's drive to the hospital okay? He'll be alright", I heard him say before the sirens slowy faded away.

"I hope so", I mumbled to myself while entering Chan's car.

But what if not?



another part?


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