Drunk | Hyunjin

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Felix's pov

"Hyunjin, s...sttoppp drrinkking", I slurred.

At this time everything seemed to spin and I didn't notice all the people around us dancing and enjoying their time. Hyunjin and I wanted to go out and have a little bit of fun at this new bar but things got a little out of control.

People just kept buying us drinks and I'm not really a person to say no. But now it wasn't really funny anymore. Hyunjin was behaving like a maniac, dancing with strangers on the table.

I had enough and wanted to leave but there was no way I'm going up to the table and drag him down. I'm surprised how he hasn't fallen off yet.

I looked to him but he wasn't there anymore. Oh no. That's not good.

Shouting wouldn't help as the music was too loud to hear anything.

Some time later I found him outside, where he was busy being sick.

"Oh god, Hyunjin are...are you kayy?", I tried to say, holding his hair back.

After he was done, he stumbled backwards and fell into my arms.

"Fuck, Hyunjin, we need to go home now".

He giggled and I could tell that he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Pleaseee, let's go home", I begged and luckily he started to walk, of course with my help.

Home wasn't that far away but after some minutes pasted, Hyunjin's condition seemed to get worse. He puked for a few times already but he didn't react to my voice anymore and out of the sudden he fell onto the ground.

I was looking around for help but at this time there were no people on the streets. Maybe if I were sober I would know what to do but I couldn't see straight.

"Hyunjin, a-are you-"

The only thing I saw before my vision went blurry was a familiar face approaching us.

Jisung's pov

"Felix, what the actual fuck", I shouted, shooking him gently.

I was just going for walk but now I found these two, laying on the sidewalk, stinking of alcohol. I exhaled deeply as Felix' eyes squinted, followed by a groan. Now I tried waking up Hyunjin, whose shirt was covered by sick and other liquids.

"Oh my good, issshhee bbreathing?", Felix panicked as he realized Hyunjin was still not conscious.

"Felix, how long has he been unconscious? What did you guys drink?", I asked, becoming more and more anxious.

"I-I don't know I-"

I stared at Felix who was now at the edge of crying.

"Call an ambulance for fuck's sake", I exclaimed in hope he would pull himself together and do something helpful. I heard him speaking to someone on the phone and shortly after an ambulance arrived.

Hyunjin was still unsresponsive but now that help has arrived, I could feel myself calm down. The paramedics asked me a lot of questions and I tried answering them as much as I could but I wasn't with him after all and Felix, well, he was not really helpful eather.

The paramedics then asked us to come with to the hospital and of course I couldn't leave Hyunjin alone now, although I wanted to bring Felix home, but there was no other option.

After Hyunjin was brought in, we were led to the waiting area, where only a few other people were.

"Do you thinnkk hee'll be alright?", Felix asked, his limbs shaking. I looked at him confused and shocked alltogether.

"Are you okay? I-I'll go get you some water".

While looking for a vending macchine, I called Chan to inform him about what happened. He was cleary shocked and worried and he would be there in a second. I sighed while putting my phone down and head back to the waiting area.

I handed Felix a water bottle and my jacket as he was still shaking. After some time a doctor told us that we could go and see Hyunjin. He told me that he had an alcohol poisoning and had to stay in the hospital for a few days, but he'll be okay.

Just before we entered his room, Chan suddenly appeared.

"Is he okay?", he asked out of breath, looking at me with a worried expression.

After I nodded and explained what the doctor told us, his eyes stopped on Felix, who was silently standing behind me.

"Felix, I told you guys not to overdo it. I thought I could trust you", he said in a serious tone.

"I'm mad disappointed at you"

Felix now looked up from the ground, his eyes full of tears. "I-I'm ss-"

"No, I don't want your apology now, just...I want you to know that this will have consequences, how can I trust you again, if you don't know when to stop?", he scolded but before he could continue I stopped him.

"Hyung, I think he's had enough, can't you see that he's drunk?", I said, while holding onto Felix as he seemed to loose his balance.

"I-I'm so sorry hyung", Felix sobbed but Chan just sighed.

 "Take him home Jisung and just...keep him safe okay?"

I nodded and with that we left the hospital. While waiting for a taxi, I couldn't help but feel sorry for Felix. Sure, it was immature and irresponsible of them to get drunk like this but things can quickly get out of control if alcohol is involved.

As I heard quiet sobs behind me I quickly turned around.

"You know that I didn't want any of this hyung", he whispered between a few sobs. "I'm so sorry", he cried and I immediately pulled him into a hug.

"I know, Lix, it's okay, Hyunjin will be alright".

"And Chan hyung? He'll never forgive me!" I pulled him out of the hug and looked at him with a serious expression. "You know that's not true. He just cares for you".

He nodded slightly and wiped his tears away.

"Come, let's get you home"



x I hope you liked this chapter! x

x !requests are open! x


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