Forlorn | Minho

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-tw: heavy descriptions, near-death experience, drowning

~requested by @rinoluve


.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.

Minho's pov

Today we had a day off and therefore decided to do something together. I was fine with anything but when I heard the word 'beach', I immediately tensed.

I had nothing against driving to the beach and lying in the warm sun but the problem was that I wasn't a very good swimmer.

I've never actually learned it, partly because I didn't grow up near the sea or a lake and partly because of my parents who weren't big fans of water.

Either way, I couldn't really swim and therefore hated going into water even if it wasn't deep. However, the others were already head over heals over the idea of going to the nearest beach and if they decided on something, it was going to happen, whether or not I liked it.

Whilst the others eagerly packed their things, I awkwardly stood in my room, watching Jisung searching through his wardrobe.

"Don't you want to get ready, hyung?"

I let out a shaky breath before turning to my drawers, finding a pair of old shorts that could pass as swim trunks. 

I actually had less problems with pools as they were calm and not endlessly deep like the sea. Still, I wouldn't voluntarily go into one which is why I didn't own any actual trunks.

After I stuffed some other things like sunscreen and shades into my bag, I was ready to go to the beach. Internally, I wasn't but I wanted the others to be happy and enjoy the little free time we had so I had to go through it.

The ride was rather uneventful besides Hyunjin almost peeing himself and Seungmin roasting Chan the whole time.

We went to a smaller part of the beach that was completely empty so we had our peace. The others all quickly got out of their shirts and sprinted into the ocean.

As I stepped into the clear water, I felt a rush of excitement wash over me. The cool water was refreshing against my skin, and the waves crashing against my feet made me feel alive. It was a totally different experience than the one from a long time ago. I didn't feel scared or anxious, no, what I felt was everything around me but much more intense.

I didn't want to be left alone on the shore while the others were having fun in the water. So, I pushed my fears aside and ventured deeper into the sea.

At first, everything was fine. I was having a great time splashing around with my friends and the water was calm. But then, out of nowhere, a huge wave crashed over me, pulling me under the water. I tried to swim to the surface, but something was holding me down.

Panic set in as I realized that I was drowning. I thrashed around, trying to break free but I had no chance. I was running out of air and my vision was already starting to blur.

Just when I thought it was the end, I felt a pair of lips against mine, and a rush of air filling my lungs.

This was the last thing I felt before finally closing my eyes, knowing I would never see light again.

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