Home | Felix

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Felix's pov

As soon as I stepped off the plane, I knew that I was home. The familiar sights and sounds of Korea surrounded me, but even as I smiled and waved at the fans who had come to greet us, I couldn't shake the feeling of sadness that had been weighing on my heart since we left Australia.

"Hey Felix, you okay?", Chan asked, his voice laced with concern.

I forced a smile and nodded, but I knew that he could see right through me. It was kind of like a super power that he had and it was honestly scary sometimes, how he always seemed to know everything just by looking at you.

"I miss home", I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Changbin, who had been standing next to me and listening to our conversation, put a hand on my shoulder, his eyes filled with understanding.

"I know, man," he said, his voice soft and comforting. "It's tough being away from your family and friends."

I felt a lump forming in my throat as I thought about my parents and my sisters, all the way back in Sydney. I missed their hugs and their laughter, their home-cooked meals and their silly jokes.

"I just feel so far away from everything," I said, my voice trembling. "I'm sorry, I should be used to it by now. I'm such a crybaby."

Chan and Changbin exchanged a glance before Chan laid an arm on my shoulder. "It's okay to miss home. I do too sometimes! There's nothing wrong with that."

"Yeah but you hardly ever show it or...at least I don't notice it", I said, keeping my voice low.

"Because I know that we'll be back soon. Also your family are like the nicest people I've ever met. If my sister cried because I came back, I would miss her a little more too", he chuckled while nudging me.

"Hey, why don't we do something tonight?", Changbin asked, still looking at me with concern in his eyes.

Chan nodded. " Yeah, how about a late night walk? It's been forever since us three did one. What d'you think mate?"

I thought for a moment. Option one; go home and spend the night crying in your room. Option two; go out with your friends and have some fun.

I didn't even hesitate to agree to their plan.


As we walked around the city, Chan and Changbin pointed out different landmarks and shared stories about their own experiences with homesickness. It was comforting to know that I wasn't the only one who felt his way.

"Do you remember that time when we all went to the amusement park?", Chan asked, grinning. 

"We went on the biggest roller coaster, and Jisung was so scared, he was screaming the whole time."

Changbin laughed. "And then when we got off the ride, he pretended like he wasn't scared at all. When I asked him about the screaming, he just blamed it on Minho who wasn't even on the ride." 

We all laughed, and Chan continued with another story. I smiled as I thought about all the moments we shared together, everything that we've experienced as a group. We sure did go through a lot but in the end, it made us stronger than ever.

When we got back to our dorm, Chan suggested we order some food and watch a movie together. After ordering some pizza we all settled in on the couch, Chan and Changbin on either side of me.

As we watched the movie, I couldn't help but to feel grateful for my bandmates. They really had become like family to me, and even though we were far from home, I knew that we had each other.

After the movie ended, we stayed up late, talking and laughing together. It was the kind of night that I would always remember, the kind of night that made me feel grateful for the life I had.

As I went to bed, I felt a sense of peace and contentment that I hadn't felt in a while. Even though I still missed my family and friends back in Australia, I knew that no matter how far away from home I was, I would always have a family here in Korea.



-kinda short but I had this idea in my head that just wanted to be written down immediately.

-I think we can all agree that Chan and Changbin are the most sweet, thoughtful, caring and considerate friends in the world!!

-who should the next chapter be about? Minho, Chan or Jeongin?


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