Ache | Felix

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-requested by: soongismom

-hope you like it!



Hyunjin's pov

Felix's coughing cut through our practice session, each rasping sound like a knife to my heart. He was usually so full of energy, but today he looked small and fragile, leaning heavily against the wall. I couldn't stand seeing him like this.

"Felix, are you okay?" Minho asked, his voice laced with concern.

He nodded weakly, but his body was shaking. "I think I might have a fever," he whispered, his voice so small it made me ache.

Without a second thought, I moved to his side. "You should have said something earlier, Lix. Let's get you back to the dorm," I said, my voice gentle but firm.

Minho and I flanked him, our arms around his shoulders, supporting him as we made our way back. Each step Felix took was slower than the last, his breath coming in short, painful gasps. I could feel the heat radiating from him, and it filled me with a sense of urgency.

When we finally got to the dorm, Minho guided Felix to the couch while I grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around him with as much care as I could muster. "Stay here. I'll get you some water and medicine," Minho said, his tone gentle.

I sat beside Felix, placing my hand on his forehead. The heat was alarming. "You're burning up. Try to relax, okay? We'll take care of you."

Felix nodded, his eyes fluttering closed. His vulnerability tugged at my heart, making me want to protect him even more. Minho returned with a glass of water and some fever-reducing medication, which Felix took with trembling hands.

"Thanks, guys," he murmured, his voice so faint it was almost lost in the quiet of the room.

"Don't mention it," Minho said softly. I nodded along. We always cared for one another, especially when someone was sick. Some liked it more than others though. 

Chan, for example, hated it when someone showed just a teeny tiny bit of worry towards him. However, that didn't stop us. 

Someone from our group would always be there to buy medicine or do whatever it takes to make the sick person feel better.

Hours passed, and Felix's fever showed no signs of breaking. He was restless, tossing and turning, unable to find any comfort. His small whimpers of discomfort made my heart clench. I decided to try and distract him, hoping to bring him some relief.

"Do you remember that time during our trainee days when we all got lost on the way to the practice room?" I began, my voice soft and soothing. "We ended up wandering around the building for an hour before realizing we were on the wrong floor the whole time."

A weak chuckle escaped Felix's lips, his body relaxing just a fraction. "Yeah, and Chan was so mad at us," he replied, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

Minho joined in, his tone light and cheerful. "Or that time we had a surprise birthday party for Seungmin, but he found out and pretended to be surprised anyway. He didn't want to ruin the fun for us."

Felix laughed, the sound weak but genuine. "Seungmin's always been like that. He cares about everyone."

Slowly, the tension in Felix's body began to ease. The combination of our stories and his medication was working. His eyelids grew heavy, and his breathing evened out. Minho and I exchanged relieved glances, deciding to stay by his side a little longer, just in case.


Minho's pov

When we got Felix back to the dorm, my worry only deepened. He was clearly exhausted, his body trembling with fever. Hyunjin and I did our best to make him comfortable, wrapping him in a blanket and getting him to take some medicine.

Watching him struggle to sleep was heartbreaking. He kept shifting, trying to find a position that didn't make him feel worse. Felix looked so small and fragile, it made me want to wrap him up and keep him safe from everything.

Hyunjin started telling a story from our trainee days, his voice soft and melodic. Felix's weak chuckle was a small victory. I jumped in, hoping to keep his mind off his discomfort.

Felix's laughter, though faint, warmed my heart. We continued swapping stories, the familiar memories bringing smiles to all our faces. Suddenly, Felix stirred, his eyes fluttering open. He looked up at us, his eyes glassy with fever. "Can I have something warmer to wear?" he asked, his voice small and pleading.

Hyunjin and I exchanged glances, both of us eager to make him as comfortable as possible. "Of course," I said, standing up. "I'll get you one of my sweaters."

Felix's eyes lit up slightly, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Can I have Hyunjin's fluffy big sweater? The one that's super soft?"

Hyunjin's heart melted at his request, and I could see the affection in his eyes. How could we possibly say no? "Sure, Lix. Anything for you," Hyunjin said, ruffling Felix's hair gently before heading to his room to fetch the sweater.

Hyunjin returned with the oversized, fluffy sweater, its softness and warmth a perfect comfort for Felix. "Here you go," Hyunjin said, helping him sit up so he could slip it over his head.

Felix snuggled into the sweater, the fabric almost swallowing him up. He looked so small and endearing, wrapped in the warmth. "Thanks, Hyunjin. This feels so much better," he murmured, his eyes already closing again.

Minho and I exchanged a glance, our silent communication full of warmth and understanding. "You know," I whispered to Hyunjin, "maybe we should all sleep here tonight, just to make sure he's okay."

Hyunjin nodded, his eyes softening. "Yeah, good idea."

We carefully settled down on either side of Felix, ensuring he was cocooned in warmth and comfort. As we laid down, Felix instinctively snuggled closer to me, his head resting on my shoulder. Hyunjin wrapped an arm around both of us, his touch gentle and protective.

The room was filled with a comforting quiet, punctuated only by the rhythmic sound of Felix's soft breaths. Hyunjin's presence on the other side of Felix brought a sense of calm that washed over me like a gentle wave. I really hoped with all my heart that Felix would get better soon.

Because Felix without his smile wasn't Felix at all. And I couldn't bear to see him anything less than his vibrant, joyful self.




-hope you're all doing good! Until next week!!


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