Fainting | Hyunlix

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Today is one of the days, where you just have so much to do and you hardly have any time to rest. The vocal line was taking singing lessons, Chan and Han were working on their newest project and the dance line, including Changbin, was learning the new choreography.

At least they were trying to do so, Minho was very keen to finish all the steps at the end of the day, so that they can rest the following days. However, they have been dancing all morning and currently for three hours straight with only a few minutes to rest.

Felix's pov

"Again", was the only thing I heard all day. The music began to play again and I screamed inside. I am just so exhausted and tired, oh how badly I want to go back to the dorms and jump in my bed to get some sleep. Oh gosh. The thought of sleeping in my warm and comfy bad is far, far away from now, as I'm trying to remember the choreo.

Honestly, this is one of the hardest dances, there's hardly any rest and to top it all I've much more lines in this song than previously, so I'm constantly in the spotlight. Lee Know hyung expects a lot from me, and I'm really trying to deliever what he wants, but I'm just so tired.

I also forgot to eat today, because there was no time to cook anything. Every inch of my body hurts and I really don't know how long I can last. I don't want to make any faults, as I don't want to bother my members.

I quickly glance to Hyunjin, who dances beside me. He looks tired as much as me but I know that he is determined to finish the whole choreo today.

THANK GOD, the music ends.

"Guys, I know we're dancing for a long period now, but if we finish today, we can rest on the next days, see?"

I could barely hear Lee Know's voice, as I was lost in my thoughts. My legs were very pretty much numb and I felt as if I couldn't breathe well. However, I tried to look as motivated as possible to not get any attention of the members.

"Again please!"

Here we go again. Suddenly, I felt light-headed. I don't know what's happening right now. It feels like I am drifting to another world. I'm supposed to move now, but I no longer have control over my body.

I slowly loose my vision and in the next moment I can feel the hard ground.

Hyunjin's pov

Not again, please. I'm getting tired and exhausted but I'm much more worried about Yongbok. He was not himself the whole day and now he looks extremely drained and almost sick. I wish I could help him somehow, but I also want to finish the choreo as soon as possible, so I just hope that we can go home after this take.

The music starts and I take my position, but when we all start to do the first steps, I could see in the mirror, that there was one person that didn't move.

And then all I could see was Felix falling to the floor.

I couldn't move, because I was so shocked and it happened so quick. The other members stopped to dance as soon as Felix hit the floor and rushed immediately to him. Changbin checked if he was breathing and Lee Know was getting a water bottle.

I just stood there and watched Yongbok, he looked so pale and weak, which hurted my heart. Changbin was strangely calm and tried to waken Felix, whereas all I could do was just standing there like an idiot.

"Hyunjin, are you okay?", Lee Know was suddenly at my side.

I quickly nodded and sighed, not removing my eyes of Felix.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and breathed heavily.

"Sh, it's all good, everything is fine", Changbin said calmly.

I was so relieved I knelt down to him and grabbed for his hand.

"H- Hyunjin? C- Changbin? W- What happened?", he wheezed.

I would have cried in this moment, if I had been alone, Felix looked so frail and I really wanted to help him. I opened my mouth, but before I could say a word, Changbin already spoke.

"You fainted, Lix, but it's all fine", he said, while patting his head.

Before I could even think any further, Chan came in and immediately rushed to Felix and checked if he was okay. We then helped him to the dorm, although I could have easily carried Yongbook by myself.

After we brought him into his bed, the other members left, except for Chan, who sat down beside Felix. I hesitated, I also wanted to stay but it would be a little awkward with Chan, so I had no other choice than leaving.

I stepped out of the room and released a sigh.

How long are you going to hide your feelings, Hyunjin?


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