"Fan" | Changbin

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Seungmin's pov

"Guys, that performance was great, everyone did a good job today, I'm proud of you really", Chan praised us while we were on our way to our hotel. We just finished our last perfomance in the US and it was an amazing experience.

Now all I wanted to do was jump into my bed and sleep for the next days. But unfortunately we had to fly back to Korea first thing in the morning and we still had to arrive safely in our hotel. It was no surprise that lots of people were waiting outside for us to exit the stadium.

As usual, Chan was at the back so that he had an eye on us all. Minho was with Jisung and Jeongin at the front, followed by Hyunjin and Felix and then there was me and Changbin, who was listening to music.

I was pretty tired and tried to ignore the fans, who were shouting loudly. The security did their best they could but even they were struggling to keep the people away from us.

All of a sudden a girl appeared at my side. She was wearing a mask and black clothes and was rather small and innocent looking. I gave her a shy smile and looked for the securities but then I noticed that here eyes were fixated on someone else. And then I saw something shiny in her hands, which she slowly pulled out of her pocket.

Before I could realize what she was about to do, she ran to Changbin and stabbed him aggressively. In horror I watched how Changbin tried to swerve but she was too fast.

"STOP HER", I heard from everywhere and finally the security pulled her away.

Changbin was completely frozen, holding his wounds and soon his hands were covered in blood.

I stood there in shock, not comprehending what just happened. I watched as Changbin collapsed in Chan's arms, who was suddenly at his side.

Then I noticed that everything around us had gone dead silent. The people were no more shouting and my members were either crying or trying to keep Changbin awake.

My mind was full of thoughts as I kneeled down beside him, his face was already pale and weak gasps escaped his blue lips.

"CHANGBIN PLEASE, STAY WITH US", Chan cried out, pressing on the younger's wound but blood kept flowing out. I watched as he became blank and staring and his eyes turned up.

He is dying.

Changbin is dying.

I stared at Chan who was still trying to speak to Changbin, despite crying uncontrollably.

Suddenly we both got pushed to the side and in an instant Changbin was surrounded by paramedics, who were trying their best to keep him alive. I didn't want to leave his side but I also didn't want to watch anymore.

For the first time I properly looked around. Minho and Jisung were watching at Changbin in shock, Felix was sitting on the ground, shedding tears next to Hyunjin and Jeongin was slowly walking to our leader, who looked completely absent.

I didn't know what to do or where to go. My legs felt extremely heavy and my head was pounding. After what felt like forever, Changbin was transported to the nearest hospital by the ambulance. We were shoved into our cars and quickly drove to the hospital.

The ride was horrible. Nobody said a word, only the sound of crying could be heard.

I couldn't cry. I was too overwhelmed, too shocked by what happened.

In my mind there was still the image of this girl, who looked like any other fan. How could this happen? Why were the security not looking? Why did Changbin wear headphones? Why-

I suddenly felt my heart beating faster.

Why.. did I not stop the girl from hurting him?

I was there. I saw it. I saw what she was about to do. But I did nothing. WHY DID I DO NOTHING?

The car doors opened, signaling we have arrived at the hospital.

A single tear ran down my face.

"What did you do Seungmin?", I asked myself as I exited the car.

Nothing. Was the answer. You did nothing and you know it. The others know it. Everyone knows it.

The fans were there, people were there and saw that you did not help your friend.

Disgusting is what people will call me.

Jisung's pov

"C-chan, he...he cannot be dead r-right? H-he was breathing wasn't he?"

I stared at my hyung who was looking at his own hands, which were covered in blood. His hands were trembling and he seemed to be in another world. I tried calling Minho for help but he wasn't on the seat next to me.

I nervously looked around only to find him standing next to a doctor. When our eyes met, I quickly covered my mouth, trying to suppress the gasp.

He was crying...

Minho was crying.



x another part? x


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