Changed | Han pt3

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tw: depression, suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempt

longest chapter! word count: 1490 words


Minho's pov

With shaky hands I let the piece of paper fall to the ground.

I felt as if I would suffocate on my own breath.

This isn't Jisung.

This isn't Jisung.

I looked at the written words that were potentially the last words from Jisung. I collapsed to the floor as my legs wouldn't hold me any longer.

I could see Chan infront of me.

He looked at me.

He said something to me.

He shook me.

He noticed the paper.

He read it.

His body began to understand.

He began to tremble.

He began to react.

I've never seen such thing.

I've never seen him sob like that.




I wouldn't let Jisung die. He couldn't die. I wouldn't let him. I would save him. I promised to be with him. I promised myself to look after him and I wouldn't break it.

I abruptly stood up and took the letter out of Chan's trembling hands.

"We need to save him. I need to save him".

That was the last thing I said before storming out of my room, out of the dorm.

And I started to run.

I started running down the streets without looking where I was going. I didn't care about the people. I didn't care about the stares. I only cared about Jisung.

Where did he go? Was he still alive? Please, god, let him be alive. I just want to see him. I want to talk to him. I want to produce music with him. I want to spend time with him. I want to do so much more. This can't be the end of it. This just can't be.

It was cold and dark outside and I had no feeling of any direction. But there was one place I had in mind.

It was an old bridge that crossed over the river. There was a small park nearby. We used to walk here often.

I began recognizing the park. I was so close. So close to Jisung. I've been holding on to the thought that he might be there. Where else would he be? What if he was somewhere totally different?

I stopped my own thoughts and looked in the direction, where the bridge was located. It was too dark to see something or someone. I increased my pace although I was out of breath and exhausted.

As I came closer to the bridge I could see the contours of someone. Someone who seemed familiar. I blinked the tears away that were forming in my eyes and saw to my horror that the person was sitting on the edge of the bridge.

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