Scared | Jeongin

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The sun was shining bright and the birds were shirping as all members of Straykids made their way to the park. They were filming another Skzcode episode, and after a long day of shooting, they had to do one last game of playing soccer.

"Actually I need two of you to go to the supermarket and buy some groceries. Changbin and Hyunjin, could you do that?", their manager asked.

They both nodded before setting out with a camera team. The others were led to a small football court with two goals and one ball lying in the middle. In a matter of seconds, two equal teams were being decided with Jisung, Felix and Minho on one, and Seungmin, Chan and Jeongin on the other team.

The staff members and their managers had settled down inside since the weather was pretty hot. Only a small camera team was filming the group as they began to play.

Jeongin's pov

4-1. The other team was shooting goal after goal.

I took a short break and gulped down my water while trying to come up with a new tactic. There was no chance of winning but I really wanted to score one goal at least. Chan was actually really good at any kind of sport but with Felix being super fast and Minho's confidence, it was hard to win control over the ball.

"Jeongin! We're waiting!", Chan shouted while clapping his hands together. I got up and ran back onto the field, taking a few deep breathes before the game continued.

Jisung passed the ball to Minho but hit it with a little too much force. The ball rolled to Seungmin who shot it on the other side near the opposite goal.

I ran across the field, chasing the ball as I saw my chance of scoring a goal. But when I was about to make a kick, I slipped and completely lost my balance. My ankle twisted awkwardly when I fell onto the ground, making me cry out in pain. 

For a few seconds I didn't dare to open my eyes, not wanting to see something I didn't wanna see. All I could feel was the immense pain coming from my foot.

"Innie, are you okay?"

I opened my eyes to see Felix rushing towards me, his face full of concern. I wanted to say that everything was fine and that we could continue with the game but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stand up.

Feeling defeated, I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. "My ankle hurts so much", I gasped out.

Chan was suddenly crouching down next to me, carefully examining my foot. I tried to pull myself together, not wanting to cause anymore scene infront of all the others.

"I think we need to take you to the hospital. Your ankle could be twisted or broken, I don't really know." 

I glanced at Chan, noticing how worried he looked. Is it that bad? Is it that serious? Will I be able to dance again? A wave of panic washed over me, all negative thoughts crowding my mind at once. 

"Hey, it's gonna be fine. I'll drive you yeah?" Chan carefully patted my shoulder before helping me up from the ground. He looked to the others who were standing a few feet away, probably to give me more space.

"Lix, can you come with us to the hospital?" After a nod from the freckled blonde, he turned to the rest. "You stay here and tell our manager about what happened. Hopefully we won't be gone for too long."

With that we slowly made our way to the car, my ankle hurting with every step. I've never felt such pain ever in my life.

Chan started the macchine while Felix sat down next to me in the backseat. I was grateful for his company, if any, he was the best at making people happy even if their mood had been bad. He was also incredibly good at comforting, with his low yet soft voice. 

He reassured me that everything will turn out fine, that my ankle will be fixed and that I'll be able to dance again soon.

I felt like a child crying to their mum but when it comes to injuries, I can't help but to fear for my life. Being an idol, being a dancer is my life and if my body gives up, I have nothing left.

My anxiety intensified as I heard Chan turning off the motor.

"We're here."


Felix's pov

"He'll be fine, right?" I nervously fidgeted my fingers while looking into the direction where Jeongin was brought into. 


After that we will know the deal. I could only hope that his ankle wasn't broken and that he didn't need any surgery. I only wanted for him to be okay so that he wouldn't miss dancing at our next comeback.

"I'm sure Lix. He has the best treatment and the best mental support, consisting of seven very capable young lads, don't you think?", Chan replied while giving me a small nudge.

"What are you talking about, I only know of six and one old grandpa."

He was about to say something back when the doctors came out with Jeongin, who was transported on a wheelchair. 

We both quickly stood up and followed them into a patient room where we waited for the results. The room was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

After a few minutes, the doctor came in with an unreadable expression. He looked at the X-ray before showing it to us, displaying Jeongin's foot.

"Mr Yang, I'm happy to say that your foot is not broken."

I glanced at Jeongin who seemed more than relieved at the doctor's words.

"However, your ankle is sprained which can cause a lot of pain. Make sure to rest a lot, keep it cool and in a few weeks you should be fine."

Jeongin nodded, his eyes fixated onto the ground. "Will I be able to dance again?"

I gave him a sympathetic look, knowing how much it ment to him.

"Certainly. Just give your ankle enough rest and time to heal. There won't be any long-term damage", he declared with a firm nod.

We thanked the doctor as he walked out of the room, giving us a moment to process everything.

"See? I told you that you'll be fine", I said while carefully embracing our maknae. I felt his breath on my shoulder as he snuggled closer to me.

"I know, I was just so scared that it was something permanent. I'm sorry I made such drama."

I broke the embrace and shook my head before clearing my throat. "You have nothing to apologize for Innie."

He nodded but still I could sense that his mind was somewhere else.

Chan seemed to think the same as he patted Jeongin's head. "You wouldn't believe what Felix said to me earlier. He definitely spent way too much time with Seungmin!"

Jeongin looked between the two of us, a curious smile plastered on his face.

"What did he say?"

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