Selfless | Chan

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Changbin's pov

Since we retourned from our Japan tour, Jeongin was feeling extremely sick. He had caught something while travelling but still he insisted on performing. Now that we've retourned, he finally admitted that he was not feeling well at all, he had high fever and coughed all the time.

Chan made it his mission to care for our maknae, although we all wanted to help the sick boy. However, we were already onto the next project, which requested most of our freetime.

Chan as the hard working person he is, spent all of his time in the studio, with a few breaks to check on Jeongin. The members and I repeatedly offered to look after Innie but he wouldn't listen. "It's his job", he said.

This has been going on for a few days now and my worry for Chan keeps growing.

Seungmin's pov

"Chan, where the heck are you? It's late and we're having dinner!", I said into my phone. I've not seen our leader today, which concerned me a lot. There was a long pause.

"Look, I still have to do something but I promise, I will come home later. Don't wait for me", he said and before I could reply he already hung up.

Great. He overworks himself once again. As if he hasn't learned anything about the last time, where he fainted in his vlife.

I sighed, looking at my phone. The others looked at me with exspectant eyes but I just shook my head.

"He's not coming? Why is he doing this to himself again? No seriously, he's-"

"Stop, Jisung, you know that we can complain as long as we want, in the end he will always put others first. And his work of course", I added, taking a seat at the table.

After we finished, I shuffled to the living room, joining Changbin and Jeongin, who was asleep on the couch. He looked much better and his fever was nearly gone. I just hope that Chan will soon come home or I will drag him out of the studio.


Time skip


Chan's pov

I turned the keys to enter the dorm. It was 12 pm when I came home, only to find three sleeping people on the couch. I smiled at the cute sight, but suddenly a wave of dizziness hit me. Next thing I felt was nausea and I instantly got the urge to throw up. I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could and collapsed infront of the toilet. After I retched a few times, some liquid came up, as I can't remember when I last ate a proper meal.

I felt awfull and just wanted to go to bed but I wasn't sure if I could stand up. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes, slowly fading away.

There was a loud noise and before I knew someone came trough the door and touched my shoulder.

"HUYNG? WHAT'S GOING ON?", I heard the person infront of me scream but I couldn't figure out who it was. I tried to speak but my mouth wouldn't open.

Instead I just whimpered and hoped the person could carry me into my bed.

"Chan hyung, please open your eyes, can you hear me?"

I blinked and I could see Changbin, who was kneeling beside me.

"B-Binnie", was the only thing I was able to say before closing my eyes again. "I-I don't feel good", I wheezed.

"I can see that hyung, you look like shit", he said, while lifting me up.

"I'll take care of you", I heard before dozing off.

Changbin's pov

Poor hyung, I thought. He didn't look great at all, his face white as ever and he seemed to sweat a lot. I knew that he was coming down with something as he was near Jeongin all the time. His great effort in working wasn't helping him get any better but only to make it worse.

Why doesn't he say a word when he's not feeling well? I sighed, patting Chan's hair. Suddenly he moved and opened his eyes.

"Binnie? W-what, h-how?", he mumbled, grimacing in pain.

"Hyung, it's okay, you're in bed now! Are you in pain?", I rushed to say, given the look on his face.

"No, I'm g-good", he said weakly, trying to sit up.

"Chan, stop moving around and stop lying, you threw up, remember?" I gently pushed him back to his bed, resting my hand on his chest. He coughed.

"Ugh, where's Jeongin? Is he okay? I need to look after him!" He tried standing up again, but failed as I was still pushing him down.

"Hyung, what do you think you're doing? Jeongin is much better and Seungmin is with him, so you don't need to worry. Now answer my question, hyung!", I exclaimed, annoyed by his behaviour. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate that he looks after us, but sometimes it's just too much and he is neglecting his own health for others.

He sighed, taking deep breathes. "I said I'm fine, Changbin, you d-don't need to be here with me".

I shook my head. "Chan, will you please stop saying that you're fine when you are clearly not fine! Why do you always put others first, you completely forget about yourself, hyung. It's not healthy!

I saw him tearing up, feeling immediately guilty.

"I-I need to be s-strong for you all. I'm the oldest and I-I have to look after everyone!", he whispered quietly, tears running down his face. "That's m-my job as a l-leader".

I watched him turning away from me, so I couldn't see his face.

"I-I don't know w-why I'm crying", he said, his voice breaking, yet he was still trying to put on a smile.

"Hey, look at me, it's okay, nothing wrong with that!" I spoke softly, pulling him into a hug.

"I-I d-don't want to be weak infront of you", he sobbed into my chest. I just hugged him tighter.

"Chan, listen to me, crying doesn't make you weak, okay? Who said that anyways, huh? Besides, just because you're the leader, doesn't mean that you have to be strong for us. We're all here for you, don't forget that", I affirmed him.

He sobbed once more, before fully letting it all out.

"You're the most brilliant, caring and selfless person that I know hyung, you know that? Shh, don't cry, everything will work out", I said before we both fell asleep in each other's arms.


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