Broken | Minho

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requested by: Stbt4w

hope you like it!


It was the day of the rehearsal for a show, where Stray Kids was going to perform a few songs of their newest album. The actual perfomance would take place in a few days, where other kpop groups will appear aswell.

Today, they practised the choreo on the stage they were given, but a lot of problems occured during the dance. First of all, they didn't have much space to work with and secondly, the stage was really slippery. It was hard to focus on the dancing when you also have to be careful not to fall.

After they danced through the first song, they decided to do a small break.

Minho's pov

"Hyung, this is ridiculous, how are we supposed to dance properly?" I tried to fix my mic, while talking to Chan, who was clearly annoyed at the situation. The stage was freshly cleaned which should've been happened a few days earlier so that it would be ready for rehearsal.

"I know these are bad circumstances but we have to work with what we have. The performance is in a few days, until then they've hopefully fixed the stage", Chan replied while helping me to put my microphone in place. I sighed and thanked him silently but still I was sceptical.

In fact, I was worried for the others, especially the younger members, who worked very hard for this show. I didn't want anything to happen to them, it would be a disaster if one of them couldn't perform. Moreover, Felix still had to be careful with his back and Hyunjin's hand was already injured. Just one wrong move and they could hurt themselves further.

"Guys, if everyone's ready let's continue", Chan clapped in his hands and we all went on the stage again.

The next song was even more difficult to perform as the choreography required a lot of space. We were dancing as close as possible which was quite risky considering the slippy stage. If one would fall, he would possibly take another member down.

I tried my best not to bump into anyone and focused on the steps. As we moved into another formation, Jisung slightly slipped but luckily he was able to save himself. I worriedly glanced at the spot, where he slid but there was no way we could avoid that place.

We were half through the song when I moved a little bit forward to jump. The landing however didn't go as I planned. My feet went right out from under me and there wasn't much I could do to save myself.

Just before I crashed to the ground, I instinctively put my hands infront of my body to avoid a hard impact. With an awful cracking sound I fell directly on my hand.

I immediately tried to stand up again but something felt definitely off. I stared at my hand and as I saw how awkwardly bended it was, I immediately sank to the floor again.

The others all stopped to dance and gathered around me. I was holding my hand tightly but I was grossed out by it at the same time. As the moments went by I felt more and more unwell. I didn't feel any pain which scared me and I was so in shock that everything felt like a blur.

"Oh my god Minho, are you okay?, someone asked but I couldn't get my mouth open. I felt someone touching me lightly but before I knew it I had to bent over to vomit. I had no control over my body anmore. The voices around me started to fade and everything became dark.

Chan's pov

"MINHO?! Oh god, please stay awake!", I shouted as Minho become more and more unresponsive. His sudden puking already scared the hell out of me, but now that his body went all numb, I began to panick.

I tried to ignore his hand, that was visibly fractured and layed him on his side, so he wouldn't choke on his vomit. Jisung luckily helped me and held Minho's head in position. Someone already called for help which calmed me somehow but still my thoughts were all over the place.

I didn't really see how Minho slipped but I definitely heard when he fell onto the floor. His blank face when he collapsed, with one hand holding onto the other. I expected him to scream when I saw his hand but shock must have overwhelmed him.

"Hyung!", Jisung suddenly yelled but I already noticed Minho's eyes fluttering open.

"Minho? Can you hear me?", I stuttered in panic, gently stroking his healthy hand.

The way his face changed into a painful expression as shock and pain settled in, broke my heart.

"Minho, just stay calm okay? Help is on its way", I tried to assure him but he could only reply with a groan. Tears were streaming down his face and I knew he tried his best not to scream.

"Minho, just try and breathe, I promise, the pain will soon be over". My own tears were dropping down onto the floor but I couldn't care less. Jisung was crying too but he soothingly stroke circles on Minho's back in order to calm him.

For a few moments I breathed with Minho but internally I just begged for the ambulance to come. I wanted to take the pain away from him, there was nothing worse than seeing Minho in such agony. He, who always hid his pain infront of others, who always put on a smile for others.

The sound of sirens took me away from my thoughts and shortly after Changbin and Seungmin were guiding paramedics to the stage. They instantly took over and asked a few questions which I hurriedly answered without keeping my eyes off of Minho.

The whole time I didn't leave his side and as he got transported into the ambulance I asked to stay with him. After I gave Changbin the job to drive the others to the hospital, I entered the back of the vehicle and sat down next to where Minho was laying. They already gave him some painkillers, which made him calm down and breathe steady.

The whole ride I said reassuring things to him, trying to distract him from his hand, that was carefully splinted.

"Hyung, I'm so sorry", Minho suddenly mumbled, his eyes full of sorrow.

"Minho, why do you apologize?", I shook my head in disbelief, "I don't want you to feel sorry for anything. It could've happened to anyone of us, the stage was just too dangerous to perform. And you even said it to me before but I didn't do anything. I should be the one apologizing. For risking all your health". I stopped as I knew I would cry again if I continued to speak.

Minho blindly reached for my hand and held tightly onto me, which gave me the rest to let the tears stream down my face.

"It's not your fault hyung...

I'm just...glad that you're here with me"



 yeah idk, I'm not happy with that one either but I hope it's okay, I always love writing about Minho...

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