Accident | Changbin

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Changbin's pov

Me and my members were in the dance studio, practising a new choreo. Hyunjin, Chan, Minho, Jeongin and Seungmin were standing at the other side of the room, going over the steps.

Yongbok, Jisung and me were practising seperately, I had to jump into Han's hands and he was supposed to throw me over Felix. It wasn't as difficult as it seemed, as jumping over Felix was easy, but Jisung had to stand strong, so he could throw me smoothly.

I actually had to jump by myself, Jisung was just there for more support, but if he screwed up, I would fall down at Felix.

We were a bit worried at first, but after some practise we did it successfully.

"Maybe two more times, okay?", Jisung said exhausted.

I noticed that he sweated a lot. Felix was already in his position, laying on the floor, motionless.

"Ok, let's go, one...two...three!"

I stepped carefully into Jisung's hands and jumped off with all my strengh that I had.

However, the jump was not clean as Jisung's hands were extremely wet, which is why I slipped, before jumping off. It all happened so fast, I could only hear a loud scream, before landing half on Felix, protecting his body by putting my arms beside him, so I wouldn't fully hit him.

The collision was bad and I heard an alarming noise from my right arm.

"SHIT!", I screamed, moving away from Felix.

"Oh my god, guys, are you okay?" The others were rushing to us, shocked at what they just saw.

Jisung was frozen on the ground, shock written in his face.

I couldn't feel my arm but first I had to make sure Felix was ok.

"FELIX, my god, did I hurt you?", I stuttered in panic.

Chan and Seungmin were helping Lix to sit up, while Minho went over to Jisung, who was still not moving.

"Thanks guys, I'm okay, just a little bit shocked", Felix said. I heaved a sigh.

The members now looked at me. "Binnie, are you okay? That must've really hurt!"

Chan came over to me, checking for any injuries.

"M...My arm hurts pretty bad, but it's nothing probably."

He inspected my arm, but my attention was to Jisung, who panicked at the whole situation.

Chan lifted my arm gently.  "AHH, that hurts a lot!", I shouted in pain.

The others gave me concerned looks.

"Uhm, your arm could be broken but I'm not sure, Binnie. I'll drive you to the hospital, okay?".

I tried my best to hold back my tears but the pain was so intense. The others helped Chan, carrying me to his car, while Minho stayed with Felix and a very anxious Jisung.


Time skip


Minho's pov

"Ugh how long is this going to take?" Jisung went up and down the dorm, looking at his phone every second to check if Chan had called.

I put Felix to sleep and tried to calm Jisung but he wouldn't listen to me.

"Hannie, please, the others are sleeping and you should get some rest too! Chan will call me as soon as possible, okay?"

He didn't even look at me.

"JISUNG?". He seemed to loose his balance or something as he held onto the next thing for support.

I was immediately at his side, grabbing him by his arms and carrying him to the couch.

He groaned. "Minho, I said I'm fine!"

"Well, you don't seem to be".

He sniffled, tears dropping from his eyes. "I'm so scared, Minho".

It broke my heart to see him like this.

"I...It was all my fault!", he said with a shaky voice.

"Hannie, it's not your fault, it's noone's f-

The telephone suddenly rang.

Jisung immediately answered, seeing Chan's name.

"Hello? Chan? How he is? What happened? Is he okay? I'm so sorry, I-

He stopped suddenly.

I listened carfully but I couldn't hear what Chan was saying, so I just watched Jisung's face expressions.

He exhaled loudly. "God, I'm so glad. Can you please give him the phone?"

His face went brighter in an instant. I smiled.

on the telephone

Changbin: Hello? Jisung?

Jisung: Oh my god, Binnie, I'm so glad that you're fine. I was so worried!

C: I'm honored, but you can stop now. We're already on the ride back home.

J: So, your arm is not broken?

C: No, just sprained. The doctors gave me medicine and soon I can dance again.

J: Changbin, I'm so so sorry about what I did, it's all my fault. If my hands weren't so sweaty, I-

C: HAN, stop. It can happen to anyone and I'm fine now, so everything is good, okay? Please, don't blame yourself.

J: I'll try.

C: Good. I'll be back soon. See you later Hannie.

J: Alright, see you soon.


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