Forlorn | Minho pt2

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-tw: mention of drowning, near-death experience, heavy discriptions

-requested by rinoluve


.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.

Chan's pov

As I sat on the edge of my seat in the waiting room, my heart pounded with a mix of fear and desperation. The room was suffocating with tension, each passing second feeling like an eternity.

"Hyung, please, what's wrong? I can see you're hurting", Jisung whispered to me with teary eyes, his voice so broken and fragile. His gaze was so vivid, I had no other choice than to speak my mind.

"I feel- I am responsible for all of this. I should've protected him, looked out for him but now he is in so much p-pain and he...he could be dead Jisung. Because of me."

I must've gotten a bit too loud at the end as I felt the other's worried glances on me.

"Chan, stop. This is not your fault, this is no one's fault."

Changbin suddenly kneeled infront of me, his hands gently petting my knee.

"Are you really blaming yourself? You know that you were the one who saved him. We all did everything we can hyung. 

Let's not think about what could have been and what will have been and instead focus on Minho. He needs us right now."

I gulped, feeling slightly ashamed that I didn't know it better. He was right.

The past didn't matter, it was irreparable anyway. We can only learn from it and prepare for the future.

Time stood still, the agonizing wait stretching on indefinitely. The minutes turned into hours, and the sterile waiting room felt like a pressure cooker of despair.

Finally, the doors swung open and a weary surgeon entered the room. I stood up, my voice barely audible as I asked, "How is he?"

The surgeon's face was etched with exhaustion and sorrow. He took a deep breath before speaking, his words hitting us like a tidal wave.

"Minho is in a critical state. We don't know yet but his brain could be severely damaged due to the lack of oxygen he suffered. I promise you though, we will do everything we can to keep him alive", he said in a deliberate pace.

Shock and disbelief coursed through my veins, the world around me spinning as I struggled to comprehend what he just said. Minho, our main dancer, our brother, was teetering on the edge of life and death.

As the surgeon walked away, leaving us in a state of stunned silence, a wave of emotions crashed over us. Tears streamed down our faces, a mixture of fear, grief, and desperate hope.

It was as if reality hit us again, as if I finally and fully understood the gravitiy of the situation.

Still I couldn't believe or even imagine Minho not being in our life anymore.

I could never.


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