work hard | Chan

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Changbin's pov

"What are you doing here, hyung?", I asked, entering the production room.

I gasped at seeing Chan, sitting in the same position as when I left him yesterday evening.

"Did you even went to the dorm?"

Chan just stared into the monitor, wildly clicking on something.

"HEY, I asked you something!".

I touched his shoulder, which snapped him out of his dream world. Oh god, did he looked nasty. He had big, dark circles under his eyes and his face was all puffy. He looked surprised to see me, as if I would be a stranger intruding his session.

"Oh... Changbin, it's you".

He reacted really slowly which was a very bad sign.

"Yeah, it's me! What the hell is wrong with you? You should've gone to rest after I left. You promised me!"

I felt a bit guilty at scolding him, but I just genuinely cared about him, as he's always the one who is watching after us.

He sighed. "Look, I really wanted to finish the project and I'm almost done!"

He showed me his work.

I was stunned. "I mean, that's great, but you should definitely get some sleep right now! I'm really concerned, hyung!"

He rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, Binnie, just let me finish this, after that I can sleep, okay?"

He turned back to his monitor. I knew I couldn't do anything to make him go rest, so I just left the room angrily.

Chan's pov

Ugh, I felt like shit. I haven't had any sleep for at least 30 hours and I didn't have time to eat anything. I was so keen at finishing this song, so we can release our new album as soon as possible. And Changbin was just preventing me from making our manager and stays happy. The faster the better.

Besides that, I also needed to do a vlive because the last time was long ago. I think I'm going to start with that so I'll have that behind me and I can work on the song without any stress.

I set up the camera and went live short after.

"Hey guys, welcome everyone, I hope you're all having a good day!"

I pushed myself to sound as happy and energetic as always, I didn't want to give stays any kind of bad energy.

I talked a bit about my day and stuff, until I saw a lot of comments asking me, if I was okay.

"Chan, you look so pale, are you okay?", I read out loud, unsure of what to say.

I tried to laugh it off but stays kept asking me if I'm fine.

"Ok, ok, guys, I'm feeling fine but maybe a glass of water wouldn't be bad".

I stood up to grab a water bottle but as I stood a feeling of dizziness hit me and my vision was disturbed by black dots.

Before I knew what to do or what was going on, I slumped down and passed out.

Changbin's pov

After I left Chan's room, I went back to the dorm, where I spent some time with Jisung, thinking about some new lyrics. The dance line was practising and Jeongin and Seungmin were sleeping peacefully.

After some time, I checked my phone, seeing that Chan was live. I was immediately alarmed.

What the hell is he doing? I watched his live and glanced through the comments. Most of them were asking if he's alright, what a surprise.

I didn't really pay attention to what Chan was saying, I just watched as he suddenly stood up.

He moved very slow and stopped strangely, looking very confused.

I didn't even realise I have held my breath.

Then I had to witness something extremely painful to watch. In a second Chan fell onto the ground, bumping his head at the desk. I was blinking at my phone, unable to move or to say anything.

"Binnie, what's wrong?", Jisung asked, he must've watched me the whole time from the couch.

"C...Chan hyung just, he just fainted in his vlive!".

Jisung widened his eyes. "Are you sure?"

"I just saw it, Jisung!"

I ran to the door, straight to Chan's room, Jisung being close behind me.

We rushed into his room, gasping in shock at the sight we faced.

Chan was laying on the floor, unconscious and the vlive was still on. I tried not to panick and immediately went to the camera, switching it off. Jisung was already at Chan, checking if he was breathing.

"Is he alive? What should we do? Should I call an ambul-"

"BINNIE, calm down okay! He is breathing, he will wake up soon".

I took a deep breath. How could Jisung be so calm?

Chan slowly moved, blinking a few times, before opening his eyes.

"Thank god, Chan, can you hear me? Are you okay?".

Jisung held his legs up, so Chan would get conscious again.

"I..I'm ok", he said weakly, trying to figure out what happened.

"Shh, don't speak, we ended the live stream, you don't need to worry about that!"

We both lifted him up gently, positioning him on the couch.

"I really did pass out, didn't I?", he asked, rubbing his eyes.

He still looked fragile but his face turned to a healthier colour.

"Here, some water! And yeah, you did faint on camera!", Jisung said annoyed.

"Why did you do that to yourself? You always work the hardest and longest and see what this led to. You scared the shit out of Changbin, but even worse, our fans probably think that you're dead".

Chan sighed, tears forming in his eyes.

"W...What am I supposed to do now? I...I am so s...stupid!", he broke into crying.

I sat down beside him, pulling him into a hug.

"Chan, stop crying, you're too hard on yourself".

He snuggled to me and cried hard into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry hyung, but you will need to rest for the next days. I don't want you to overexert yourself again, understand me?"

I've never seen Jisung so serious.

Chan looked at us with sad, swollen eyes, I know, he didn't want to rest, but he had no choice than agreeing with Jisung.

"A...And w..what about the vlive? Gosh, it's so embarrassing", he cried.

Jisung laid a hand on his head, pulling a strand of hair out of his face.

"We'll figure it out, hyung, together".


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