Ruined | Minho pt3

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tw: mentions of suicidal thoughts, self-hate, depression



Collapse into me.

Just once.

I promise

you'll never have to

fall again.


Minho's pov

The night draped itself over the city like a velvet cloak, painting the sky in shades of indigo and midnight blue. Stars twinkled like diamonds scattered across a vast, celestial canvas, their brilliance casting a soft glow over the world below.

Just then I realized how much time has passed since Chan has found me. And he was still here, with me.

"We've been through so much together," Chan said softly, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "Remember that time we went on that road trip to the mountains?"

I closed my eyes, allowing myself to be transported back to that sun-drenched day – to the towering trees, the winding roads, and the breathtaking views that stretched out before us. It felt like a lifetime ago, a time when the weight of the world hadn't yet settled on my shoulders.

"We were carefree, weren't we?" Chan continued, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "No worries, no responsibilities, just us and the open road."

His words stirred something deep within me, a longing for the simplicity of those days when our biggest concern was finding the next scenic spot to take photos. How I yearned for those days, when the only judgment I faced was from the lens of a camera, not the harsh words of faceless critics.

"It was a different time," I murmured, lost in the reverie of our shared past.

These moments were a lifeline, a reminder of the bonds that had sustained us through dark times. Yet, they also served as a painful reminder of what we had lost along the way.

"And what about that time we surprised Jisung for his birthday? Chan's voice broke through the haze of my thoughts, drawing me back to the present moment. "Seeing the look on his face when he walked into the room was priceless."

I couldn't help but smile at the memory, the image of Jisung's shocked expression etched into my mind forever. But alongside the happiness, there was also a pang of sadness. Sadness for the person I used to be, for the friendships I had let slip away in my descent into despair.

As Chan spoke, I could feel his gaze upon me, a silent plea hidden within the depths of his eyes. It was a plea I couldn't ignore, a desperate call for me to hold onto hope when all seemed lost.

"There will be someday, even when you don't know what to do or where to go, there's always a way forward. There's always someone or something that keeps you going, that makes life worth living."

I listened, feeling the weight of his words sink into my soul.

"We can figure it out together," Chan continued, his voice gentle but firm. "Whether it's taking some time off, seeking professional help, or just talking things through, there are options."

In that moment of silence, as the world around us faded into the background, I realized that I didn't have the answers Chan was searching for. I didn't know if there would be a someday for us, a moment where the darkness would lift and the light would return.

What was the point of fighting, of struggling to find a way through the darkness, if there was no guarantee of a better tomorrow?

Was there truly a path forward, or was I destined to remain lost in the darkness, forever searching for a light that would never come?

But then, as if sensing the turmoil raging within me, Chan stepped forward, his arms open wide in a silent invitation. Without a word, he pulled me into his embrace, enfolding me in a warmth that washed away the chill of the night.

Amidst the chaos of the city, there was a quietness, a stillness that settled over us like a comforting blanket. It was in that moment, as I stood there with Chan by my side, that I realized how truly alive I felt.

His touch was gentle yet firm, a grounding force that anchored me to the present moment. It was as if his embrace held the power to banish the demons that had haunted me for so long, leaving behind only a sense of peace and tranquility.

Maybe things would get better eventually.

The reassuring touch of my friend, the embrace I never realized I needed so desperately. I could practically sense Chan's care and affection radiating through his hug, bringing tears to my eyes. I felt so exposed, so vulnerable. I berated myself, questioning how I could have pushed my friends away. They deserved so much better.

How had I become so adept at hiding my pain, my struggles, from those closest to me?

"I'm sorry," I whispered, the words catching in my throat like thorns. "I'm sorry for shutting you out, for pretending like everything was okay when it wasn't."

The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze.

"It doesn't matter now," he murmured, his warm breath brushing against my cheek as he pulled me closer. "What matters is that you're here, that we're together."

I melted into his embrace, feeling the tension I had been holding onto for so long slowly dissipate.

For now, in this moment, that was enough. All I wanted was to hold onto this feeling, to cherish the simple joy of being loved and accepted for who I was.

And as the first light of dawn began to break through the veil of night, casting gentle rays of sunlight across the rooftop, I allowed myself to believe, if only for a moment, that there was still hope to be found in the darkness.

Thank you Chan, for reminding me

that there's always someone

who cares.




ik the ending is rather abrupt but I still hope it turned out fine. I really wanted to finish this story and post something :)

how are you all doing? For now I will publish somewhat randomly, whenever I find time to write. I know most people want to have a fixated post day which I completely understand but I think it would result in me stressing out again :/ so for the time being I won't stick to any deadlines.


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