Shattered | Hyunjin pt2

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-tw: cursing

-requested by Laila3717

-some people wanted to have a part two so I decided to continue this story!

-hope you like it!



The world around me, a tapestry of 

blurred lines, 

Familiar yet distant, like distant

memories trapped in time.

The past fades into shadows, the

present a fragile illusion,

And the future, a faraway horizon,

shrouded in confusion.


Hyunjin's pov

As I go through the motions of my day, a strange sensation washes over me. It's as if I'm observing myself from afar, detached from my own body and the world around me. The familiar sounds and sights that once brought comfort now feel distant and distorted.

I look at my hands, but they feel foreign, disconnected from the essence of who I am. My reflection in the mirrow feels like a stranger, a face I recognize but can't connect to on a deeper level.

Every movement I make feels mechancial, as if I'm going through the motions wihout any real sense of agency. My thoughts, once clear and cohesive, now feel fragmented and distant. 

The world around me seems both familiar and foreign. I recognize the people and places, but they feel illusive, as if I'm viewing them through a foggy lens. Conversations lose their depth, the words spoken just empty echoes, failing to resonate within me.

The past feels distant, the present feels unreal, and the future feels uncertain.

I couldn't understand why I was changing, why my memory was failing me, and why I felt like I was losing myself, piece by piece, and the fear of the unknown consumed me. 

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