Shattered | Hyunjin

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-requested by Laila3717

-so sorry you had to wait so long, hope you like it!


Hyunjin's pov

"Hyunjin, do you still have my phone charger?"

I looked up from my phone and stared at Changbin in confusion.

"Did I even borrow it? I can't remember", I said unfazed and went back to send bubble messages to stay. I didn't know why but I somehow forgot to post something the days prior and now I was feeling kind of guilty.

"You borrowed it two days ago, you even asked for my permission!"

"Okay, then I'll have it in my room I guess."

I stared after Changbin who left without another word. That was weird.

After a few minutes Chan walked into the living room, announcing that we should be ready in 10 minutes for dance practice. We had a show next week and we still had to perfect our steps.

Right before we entered the dance studio, I was suddenly feeling an immense pain in my head, followed by a slight dizziness. I shortly closed my eyes and when I opened them again, everything seemed a litte off.

For a short moment, I didn't recognize where I was, until Seungmin pulled me after him into the studio. I had no clue what was happening to me, I only knew that I wanted it to go away.

Felix's pov

"1 2 3 4. Yes! That's better!"

Minho was watching us all closely while we were doing the choreography slowly. It was another quick song and we had a lot of formation to do. I was in a good mood however, but others seemed to be pretty tired.

"Ok, let's do it one more time alltogether!", Minho yelled before walking to his own position.

After the music started, it was quickly shut down again by Minho.

"Hyunjin, are you ready? We don't have time to be funny, just do the choreo okay?"

My eyes wandered to Hyunjin who looked more than stressed but Minho already switched the music back on. As we danced for the first minute, I noticed in our reflection that one person was noticable behind the beat. I saw Chan gesturing Minho to turn off the music.

"Hyunjin, are you ok? Is something wrong?" We all stopped to dance and looked worriedly at Hyunjin, who avoided everyone's eyes.

"I-I can't remember the choreo...", he mumbled so quietly, I could hardly understand him.

"Yeah, funny joke", Changbin chuckled and tapped on his shoulder.

"What do you mean you can't remember? We've done the same exact step for weeks now."

Minho and Chan were the only ones with a frown on their faces whilst the others were thinking that Hyunjin was just joking around. But the tears dropping down his face made it obvious that he was being serious.

Everything fell silent and before anyone could say anything, Hyunjin already stormed out of the room, without another word. I looked at my members who seemed all shocked and confused by his sudden reaction.

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