"Fan" | Changbin pt2

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Jisung's pov

Minho was crying.

I didn't know how to react or how to feel about that. I've seen not seen Minho cry since our debut days.

I slowly stood up and walked in his direction, completely ignoring the thoughts filling my head. The doctor seemed to be in a rush and was already leaving when I reached Minho. He quickly turned away as he noticed me.

"Minho", I whispered, laying a hand on his shoulder. "What did the doctor say?"

I walked around him in order to see his face and expected the worse. He immediately avoided eye contact and looked down.

He was not only crying but crying silently. No sobbing, no red eyes and nose, only a few tears were running down his cheeks. He tried so hard, I thought, so hard to suppress his feelings.

"Minho, it's okay to cry, I cry too", I said in an attempt to comfort him. He was looking at me with a slight sad smile but his eyes told me that he wasn't okay.

"The doctor...", he stuttered with a raspy voice, "he t-told me that he's still in surgery". 

I nodded as I felt him squeezing my hand. "He'll be alright, Sungie, don't worry too much", he said while wiping his tears away. Before I could say anything, he pulled me after him and took me to the others. 

Hyunjin's pov

We waited for hours. And still no updates. Nobody gave us answers, nobody told us that Changbin is fine. Minho, Jisung, Chan and Jeongin were sleeping or at least they had their eyes closed. Felix was also sleeping and had his head rested on my shoulder.

After a while my eyes fell on Seungmin, who was sitting farthest away from all. His impassive stance immediately caught my eye. He wasn't crying nor showing any emotion at all.

I tried distracting myself by looking at my phone. I saw that many family members of mine had tried calling and messaging me for the past few hours. I then realized that there would surely be videos from the attack all over the internet.

I typed Stray kids and headline after headline popped up. "Stray kids attack after concert", "Stray kids member at hospital", "Stray kids Changbin badly injured", "Changbin in critical condition", I read.

My thoughts were now all over the place again.

How would the media react if the worst case occured? What would we do? I had no idea.

We're nothing without Changbin.

Chan's pov

"-ang? Mr Bang? Sorry to wake you but I have news".

I was instantly wide awake, staring at the doctor who took a seat next to me. I waited for him to speak but his blank face irritated me.

"Mr Seo suffered from an abdominal trauma, which...", the doctor spoke in a pace I couldn't quite follow.

"Sorry, what? Is he alright?", I interrupted. The doctor chuckled a bit and nodded.

"Yes, he's out of surgery now and will be transferred to the intensive care unit", his face turned serious again, "where he'll be monitored carefully the next few days. We want to avoid wound dehiscence or any infection that can put him at great risk in his current condition."

"What about the healing process? Is he able to dance again?", I asked as new waves of worries hit me.

The doctor looked at my friends, then at me before answering. "You're all dancers right?", he sighed, "It's hard to say how long the healing will take as it's different for everyone but he's restricted from doing any sorts of activity for minimum 8 weeks."

That's a long time, I thought. But who cares, Changbin is alive and he is fine!

"Uhm, do you want to see him?", the doctor asked with a friendly smile. I snapped out of my thoughts and hurried to nod. "He won't wake up anytime soon as he needs to rest but two people at a time can visit". 

I looked around to see only two of my members awake.

"I'll stay here and tell them", Minho said with a tired smile. I thanked him and grabbed Seungmin, who was watching from afar.

The doctor led us to a big, private section, where Changbin was getting treated.

It really hurt to see him like this. He had a breathing tube through his mouth and the whole surroundings around him were scaring me.

"Don't worry about the sounds of the macchines, his vitals are all at a normal rate", a nurse assured us with a warm smile. "You can both take a seat here", she pointed to two chairs that were next to Changbin's bed.

I took a seat and stared at Changbin for a long time. His face colour was very pale and his lips were chapped and still bluish. He looked almost lifeless, only the monitors assured that he was breathing. I wanted to say something to him but I didn't know where to begin.

"Hyung, I...I need to tell you something". I turned around to face Seungmin, who was fighting to hold back his tears.

"I-It's all my fault", he cried out, burying his face in my chest.

I embraced him hesitantly. "What do you mean?"

He broke away from my embrace and dried his face with his sleeves.

"I saw that girl, hyung, I saw how she pulled out a knife but I didn't do anything. I could've stopped her and all would be fine but now he's laying here and god knows how long he'll take to get better."

"Seungmin, you-

"Don't you understand? I just watched how my friend got stabbed although I could have prevented that from happening! Our fans, the people, everyone saw that I did nothing. How can I still be in this group when people will hate me?" He paused for a second which gave me the chance to talk.

"Seungmin, listen for a sec, nobody is responsible for what happened today, only that girl, who appeared out of nowhere. How could you've possibly stopped her if she was already holding a knife? You would've been hurt too if you had been interfering in her way-


"No, I'm not finished, people won't blame you Seungmin, they'll probably blame the security who weren't watching properly. You see, there are so many things that could've been done better this day and might have prevented this incident but let's just be grateful that Changbin is alive, okay?" I held his chin up so he would look at me.

"I am. Very", he whispered and I nodded.

"Good. And don't worry, he'll get better, I know he will."


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