Seizure | Felix

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-requested by: Scarlett1886

-hope it's to your liking!


Minho's pov

"Ji, you wanna eat something? The others are getting something after their practice, so they won't come home any time soon." I shortly knocked onto his door and waited for a response.

"Uh yeah okay, let me just finish my work", he replied shortly after. 

I went downstairs again to start cooking but before doing that I peeked into the living room, seeing that Felix was sitting on the couch and watching something on the TV.

"Hey Lix, I'll cook something, do you want to help me?" 

It seemed as if he didn't hear or notice me as his eyes were still fixated on the screen. I walked to him and stood infront of the TV, blocking his vision. To my surprise he didn't react or looked at me, he just kept staring straight ahead.

"Felix? Are you sleeping with open eyes? It's kinda creepy", I said teasingly.

Still no reaction. I frowned and stepped closer to him, placing one hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay? Is something wrong?"

I gently shook him which seemed to snap him out of his trance like state.

"Hyung? What happened?", he asked quietly while looking around.

I frowned at him and started getting worried about his behaviour. "I don't know, I think you were spacing out or something. Do you feel sick?"

He slightly shook his head, still seeming confused about where he is.

"I just feel so tired. Could you stay here?" He looked at me pleadingly and I couldn't resist to say no. Felix was just a tiny fluffy ball who needed lots of cuddles which I was willing to give him.

I faked an eye roll before flopping down on the couch and putting an arm around him. I couldn't help but to start smiling as he snuggled closer to me, his head resting on my shoulder. Still feeling a bit concerned, I waited until his breathing became slower and he eventually fell asleep.

Just then I realized how tired I actually was and before I could remember that I wanted to cook something, I was already dozing off.


When I woke up later, I immediately felt that something was off. Felix was still in my arms but his muscles felt tense and stiff. I quickly turned my head at him and realized that his eyes were opened and twitching awkwardly.

"Felix? Oh my god, what's going on?" I repositioned myself on the couch and lent over him in order to support his head.

Thousands of questions were going through my mind, restricting me of thinking straight. This had to be some sort of seizure. Or was it a panic attack?

I had no experience in how to behave in a situation like this and his convulsive movements were freaking me out.

Only when I noticed his tears, I realized that he was conscious and aware of my presence. He parted his lips and tried to say something but no words came out of his mouth. 

"Lix can you hear me? Are you pain?", I frantically asked while cupping his cheek. I couldn't do more than softly stroking his hand, thinking that it might somehow calm him. 

"Minho? What's going on? What -oh my god Felix!" Jisung was suddenly entering the living room, immediately rushing to us as he saw what was going on.

"What's wrong with him? What happened?"

"I don't know I-, you think it's some sort of panic attack?"

He shook his head while scanning Felix worriedly.

"Lix hey, everything's fine, do you hear me?", he spoke softly to him while gently squeezing his hand. Felix's eyes now fully closed and his body became limp in my hold.

"Jisung, I-I think we should take him to the hospital, he's not responding at all", I said quietly, checking if he was still breathing.

He nodded wordlessly before helping me carry him to our car. I drove while Jisung sat in the back with Felix, making sure that he was okay. I tried my hardest not to cry infront of him but in reality I was so scared for Felix.

I had no idea what was wrong with him and I felt so useless not knowing how to help him.

After we arrived at the hospital, Felix immediately got taken into the emergency room while me and Jisung had to wait outside. Shortly after a doctor told us that he had to stay over night since it was already late and they still had to do some tests.

Luckily we could stay with him, I would've felt a bit unwell returning home without knowing how Felix was doing.


"You really scared us Lix. Were you in a lot of pain?"

It was a few hours later and Jisung and I were finally allowed to see Felix after his tests were done. He was feeling better already, especially since Jisung and I could cheer him up.

"I can't really remember actually, I only know that it hurt everywhere", Felix said, suddenly sounding a bit sad.

"And I'm really glad you were there Min", he added, his eyes gleaming in the dim light.

I blushed a little and immediately looked away but instead, I took his hand and stroke it gently.

"I'll always be there if you need me"



I feel like my writing gets progressively worse

school is starting again next week so I doubt I'll update regularly. I'm also not taking any requests at the moment since I still have a few to work on.

I hope everyone's fine and had relaxing Christmas holidays!


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