Pulse | Minho

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-tw: head injury, blood, fainting

-requested by: leeminhosairfryeroil

-hope you'll like it!


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Chan's pov

The sun was just peeking over the horizon as Changbin and I made our way to the dance studio. The streets were quiet, the early morning calm, a stark contrast to the bustling days we were used to. As we walked, I felt a sense of anticipation building. After the grueling schedule of our latest comeback, we were finally getting some free time, and everyone was looking forward to it.

"Can you believe we actually have some time off coming up?" Changbin said, a grin spreading across his face.

"I know, right? It feels like forever since we had a break," I replied, matching his smile. "But first, we need to nail this choreography. I want everything to be perfect before we can relax."

Changbin nodded. "What's the plan for today? Just a run-through or are we fine-tuning anything specific?"

"I was thinking we'd focus on the transitions. Some of them still feel a bit rough. And then maybe we can do a full run-through, see how it all fits together," I said, mentally going over the choreography in my head.

Changbin chuckled. "Always the perfectionist. But you're right, it's those little details that make a big difference."

As we approached the studio, I could feel the familiar buzz of excitement. The guys were already inside, chatting and getting ready. It was hard to miss the energy in the room, everyone seemed to be in high spirits.

"Morning, guys!" I called out, stepping onto the gleaming floor. The cleaning crew had done an exceptional job, but it looked almost too perfect.

"You seem to be in a good mood today," Seungmin remarked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, we finally have some time off coming up. And we're getting closer to perfecting this routine. What's not to be happy about?" I replied with a grin.

"True, true. Just don't overwork us today, okay?" Hyunjin exclaimed, already laying on the floor like a starfish.

I laughed. "No promises. But seriously, be careful today. The floor looks really slippery."

The members nodded, taking my warning to heart as they began their stretches and warm-ups. Minho was the first to start practicing. I watched him with a mixture of admiration and concern as he launched into a complex routine, his body moving fluidly with the beat. He always had this precision and power that made his dancing mesmerizing to watch.

"Just take it easy, Minho," I called out to him. He flashed me a quick smile and continued his routine. I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. The floor was just too shiny, too perfect.

We were in the middle of running through one of our new choreographies when it happened. Minho went into a spin, his foot slipping out from under him. Time seemed to slow as I watched him lose his balance. He tried to catch himself, but the momentum carried him straight into the mirrored wall.

"Minho!" I shouted, rushing forward. The sound of his head hitting the mirror was a sickening thud that reverberated through the studio. He slumped to the floor, clutching his head.

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