Shattered | Hyunjin pt3

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-as promised, a part 3!

-hope you like it!


Felix's pov

"Hyunjin, everything's gonna be fine. I'll be waiting right outside, okay?"

I gave him a reassuring smile and hugged him shortly. He didn't say a word in reply, his face remaining emotionless like it had been the whole day. I couldn't blame him. Today, we would hopefully find out all the answers to our questions. Why he experienced these sort of personality changes and feelings of confusion and forgetfulness. And more importantly, how we could help him.

As I sat in the waiting room, anxiety tinged with hope coursed through my veins. I glanced at the clock, each tick feeling like an eternity. We've nearly spent 6 hours at the hospital, Hyunjin getting one examination after another. They had him do an MRI of his head and a full health check-up to look for any physical causes. 

Now he had one final discussion with the doctor to which I couldn't accompany him. Of course, I wanted to be there for him but I also think it was important that Hyunjin could talk about anything with the doctor alone.

After what felt like an eternity, my name was finally called. Taking a deep breath, I entered the doctor's office, my heart racing. Hyunjin sat beside me, his presence a source of both reassurance and trepidation. He looked incredibly sad and his legs were trembling nervously. The doctor, a kind-faced individual with an air of wisdom, greeted me warmly.

"Thank you for your patience. I understand that you're here to support Hyunjin", he said, his voice gentle yet resolute.

I nodded, my eyes shifting between the doctor and Hyunjin, wanting to absorb every word that would shed light on his struggles. The doctor continued, his voice a steady stream of knowledge and compassion.

"After a thourough evaluation, we have reached a diagnosis. Hyunjin is experiencing Dissociative Identity Disorder, also known as DID."

The words hung in the air, a heavy realization that carried both relief and a sense of overwhelming responsability. I glanced at Hyunjin who stared absently onto the ground, his eyes searching for understanding.

"DID is a complex disorder characterized by a fragmentation of identity, where different parts or identities, also called alters, coexist within an individual. These alters may have their own thoughts, emotions, and memories.

I listened intently, my mind racing to grasp the intricacies of this disorder. I have heard of it before but I had no idea what it actually was. However, the doctor's words painted a picture of what Hyunjin had experienced, which helped me to understand the battles he had been fighting within himself.

The doctor's voice softened, filled with empathy. "It's crucial to remember that DID has a wide spectrum, meaning that it can vary from person to person. They way I see it on you, Hyunjin, is that you change into another personality whenever you feel the need to escape from your busy work life. It's like a safe haven from reality. This explains why you feel disconnected and unfamiliar with certain things."

As the doctor spoke, I glanced at Hyunjin, his face a canvas of emotions. I reached out, clasping his hand in mine, silently conveying my unwavering support.

"W-What will be the next step?", I asked after a while.

"Treatment for DID often involves therapy, specifically focusing on building communication and trust among the different alters. We will work together to create a personalized treatment plan, tailored to Hyunjin's needs."

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