Crying | Seungmin

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The stray kids members were all gathered around the dining table, eating dinner together. Chan and Seungmin cooked for them, they had been working in the kitchen for hours.

"Oh my god, this tastes so good!", Han was literally inhaling the food on his table.

All the members giggled at his foolishness.

"Chan hyung, how did you make all that by yourself?", Hyunjin asked.

"Well, uhm, actually Minnie helped me today", Chan proudly said.

Seungmin gave him an appreciating look, before turning to his food again.

"Oh really? I didn't know that you can cook that well, Seungie", Jisung said, apparently not remembering all the days, where Seungmin basically fed him with self-cooked meals.

The members were just silent and exchanged some confused looks.

Seungmin's pov

Jisung is just fooling around these days, I'm tired of playing along. And I'm tired of Jisung and his dumb jokes. I guess I'm just really exhausted and tired, I had practised my vocals for the whole day and I somewhat overexert myself once again.

Cooking this meal with Chan was actually relaxing and I like doing something for my members, but a "thank you" wouldn't be so difficult to say, right?

I don't know why I'm so overreacting, I must be really tired...

Noone's pov

"Ugh guys, is this a hair or what?", Jisung squealed, while pulling out a long black hair.

The members were talking too eachother and not paying attention to Han.

So he raised his voice:" Min, this is really gross, why're doing this to me?", he said, being overdramatic.

The members were now looking between Jisung and Seungmin, not sure what to say.

Seungmin just stared at him, not willing to answer. Unfortunately, this provoked Jisung.

"Look, Seungie, I didn't really wanted to say it in the beginning, but uhm, I think you should stay at being a singer, and not start as a cook", he chuckled, breaking into laughter.

Minho, Changbin and Jeongin giggled a bit but stopped immediately, when Chan gave them a warning look.

That was it for Seungmin. He was feeling more and more unwell and Jisung's silliness didn't help the situation at all.

With one move he stood up from his chair and quickly walked to his room, slamming the door behind him.

"Minnie!", Felix shouted, following him immediately.

The members were silenced by Seungmin's actions, feeling guilty for laughing at him.

"Was this really necessary, Ji?", Chan sighed.

"But it was just fu-"

-"Stop, no, it was just rude.", Hyunjin said, feeling sorry for Seungmin.

Jisung looked down, he had no idea how upsetting his comments were. Normally, his members would just laugh at his stupid jokes, but he has never actually hurt somone.

"I...I'm sorry".

"Don't apologize to us, apologize to him!", Chan said.

With that they all stood up and went to clear up the table. Han however, was still sitting there, alone, thinking about what he should do.

Seungmin's pov

Shit. I didn't want to raise any attention, but now I left like a freaking drama queen.

I dropped to the ground as my legs wouldn't hold me any longer. I feel tears running down my face, I have no idea why this upsets me so much.

It was just a comment, I thought, just a stupid com-.


Oh no. Someone knocked at the door. Please don't enter, please do-

"MINNIE! Are you okay?" Felix rushed into the room, shocked at the sight, probably because I'm crying on the floor like a baby.

He dropped down next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Ar..Are you crying, Minnie?" He looked deeply in my eyes, but I couldn't really figure out if he was angry or shocked, as my eyes were full of water.

"Hey, it's totally okay to cry! Jisung was just fooling around, you know, he didn't mean what he was saying!"

I tried to clear my throat, I didn't want my voice to sound shaky.

"Felix,'s nothing, I just, I am not feeling so well and I...I really worked hard to cook for y'all and Han's comments were just g...getting on my nerves."

"Oh Minnie, I'm so so sorry, I really appreciate that you cooked for us, it was so yummy!!!!".

I smiled weakly. "I'm glad to hear that, Felix".

"Wait, you don't feel well, you said?"

I nodded.

"Did you overwork yourself again?", he asked, full of concern.

I just nodded, feeling incredibly tired.

"Well then, let's put you in bed, okay?"

He lifted me up and shoved me into my bed. He was waiting until I fell asleep, then quietly closed the door.

Noone's pov

"Lix, is he alright? Please tell me!"

"Hey, chill, okay? He is fine and sleeping now, but you made him pretty upset".



"Just apologize tomorrow and appreciate that he's caring for us und making us food!"

"Don't worry, I will".


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