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"Good morning Hyunjin! did you sleep well?" a smiling brown haired boy asked entering a tall blond's room to see him laying in bed. The tall blond didnt reply but Seungmin walked over to Hyunjin with a smile and placed down the food on a nightstand next to the bed, leaving the tray in his hand.

"Ew, are those eggs. How many times have I told you, I dont like eggs. And what's wrong with this coffee, why is it light brown, americanos arent light brown!" The blonde haired spoke with discust in his voice after sitting up and seeing the food.

Seungmin's smile faded a bit but he managed to keep a small one on. "You're seriously so stupid, it shows how little attention you pay to him" the younger's thoughts spoke. "I'm sorry, I must've messed up our breakfasts-"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes "hurry up, I'm hungry. God, you cant do anything right" Seungmin looked down ashamed while picking up the food and placing it back on the tray. "I'm sorry, I'll be back in a minute" the brown haired boy apologetically spoke exiting the room.

The younger came back to the older's room with the right breakfast neatly placed on the tray. "Here you go, I'm sorry for making you wait" hearing these words made Hyunjin roll his eyes before speaking. "Just leave, I dont need you here ruining my morning even more than it already is."

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin with sad eyes "yes, I'll be leaving now, enjoy your meal. I'll be downstairs cleaning but I'll come back to get your clothes for the day" the younger informed with a bow, leaving the room afterwards.

The younger then reached downstairs and started cleaning. No Seungmin isn't Hyunjin's maid. Matter of fact, hes not even Hyunjin's worker, he's his husband. Well, unwanted husband. The two boys were forced to get married by their parents.

Seungmin agreed as he already had a crush on the boy before the idea was even brought up. On the other hand, Hyunjin refused, already having a secret girlfriend and not taking a liking to the younger for some apparent reason.

Sure this hurt the younger boy but their parents kept saying 'you guys wont find anyone better than each other. We also dont want you guys to be separated'.

The younger just wanted Hyunjin to be happy but Seungmin knew Hyunjin wasnt going to like his presence in the big home so he stayed in the dirty, claustrophobic basement filled with rats, spiderwebs and cockroaches.

Hyunjin didn't care about the small boy being the basement or the boy in general. He just wanted his personal space for him and his girlfriend who he brought home 5 to even 7 times a week.

This routine leaving Seungmin hungry throughout the whole time she was there, only getting the smallest snack at night, like one single cracker, so Hyunjin's girlfriend wouldn't notice anything missing because of his presence.

Hyunjin's girlfriend came often but when she was there, Seungmin is told to go to the basement and stay there the whole time so the older's girlfriend wouldn't see him, as she has no idea Hyunjin's married to Seungmin, a boy.

She also wouldn't be expecting Hyunjin to get married to a boy since he claimed to be straight and have no feelings towards guys.

"Seungmin, come clean my room it's a mess and I'm waiting for my clothes to be put out" Hyunjin demanded the younger boy from his bedroom doorframe. "Yes, I'll be there in just a second, I need to wash this last dish-" "shut up, I don't have time for your excuses, I'm going to be late for work, now hurry up" the blond cut him off.

Hearing this, Seungmin quickly dried his hands with a towel near the sink and took off his apron before running up the stairs. On the way up though, Seungmin missed a step and slipped face forward hitting his shin and nose on the stairs, the impact on his nose making it bleed a little bit.

The brown haired boy quickly dismissed this accident and passed the unbothered blond to get in his room, ignoring any pain he felt. He ran to Hyunjin's wardrobe and quickly chose his clothes for the day, covering his nose with his hand.

"I'll clean your room once you're done changing" the small boy informed, feeling a stream a blood slowly make it's way down to his upper lip as he walked out of the room with a bow.

Hello! Ya girl's back with another story that sucks booty cheeks 🤪. So, i honestly dk what this book is, enjoy (if you want). Anyways feel free to write any comments about this or just about anything, it motivates me a little bit more to know someone's reading.

Ummm idk, I think that's all I have to say so see you in the next chapters ✌

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now