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Seungmin put the boxes back in the bag and put the bag on the floor with the rest of the other ones to go hug his husband tightly.

"I don't deserve this, you didnt have to do this, thank you so much my love, thank you, thank you" the brown haired boy's voice shook as he spoke since he was about to shed a tear.

"You're welcome and you do deserve all of this" Hyunjin kissed his husband's lips before speaking again "don't cry beautiful" Seungmin nodded, going back to his seat.

"Thank you, you guys, really, thank you so much for everything. This was an amazing day for me and I'm glad you guys made it like that" the birthday boy spoke as he wiped his tears.

"You're welcome, we loved spending time with you" Xinlong spoke for everyone making the rest of the people in the room to nod. "We love you Seungmin" they all synced getting up to give the brown haired birthday boy a group hug once again.

"I love you guys too, can we put the costumes on and take a picture" the second youngest adult suggested everyone went straight to Shuyang who had the inflatable costumes.

"Okay geez, it's like I'm feeding birds" the youngest joked and handed everyone a costume to put on. Seungmin took his new camera out of the box again to take a picture on it.

Everyone gathered around the boy holding the camera and soon the picture was taken. He then placed the camera on the table, putting on a timer while everyone was gathered around each other waiting for Seungmin.

After pressing the button Seungming ran to the group and the picture was taken. Everyone laughed and smiled for the rest of the day as they teased each other or made jokes.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now