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Alright boys, it's time for bed, let's get ready for bed" Hyunjin's mom announced to which everyone agreed to.

Seungmin and Hyunjin went to the blond's room, "please get ready so I can sleep" the boy politely spoke in a soft sweet honey-like voice to his husband then bowing.

Hyunjin liked the way the younger spoke to him but he hated how sudden it was and how he started to like him when his parents were over.

The taller softly nodded to the younger's request and got ready for bed.

After getting ready for bed, he laid down on his bed and Seungmin went to the bathroom to sleep on the floor with the only small thin blanket he had.

The blond started feeling bad for making the younger sleep on the bathroom floor but didnt want to seem nice all of the sudden. "Seungmin" he sternly spoke making the younger walk back to him and hesitantly reply "y-yes" "quit being so damn clingy, it's annoying."

The brown haired boy looked down ashamed "right, I'm- I'm sorry" "go to sleep already, you're annoying me, gosh" "y-yes, I'm sorry about that, please sleep well, if you need something please come to me, I'll help, goodnight" Seungmin reassured as he started walking back into the bathroom to sleep.

The blond wanted to stop him but froze "forget it" his mind spoke to him. He went to his enormous bed and placed a big cozy blanket over himself but his thoughts lingered in his mind "since when was he so caring" "did I really make him sleep on the bathroom floor" "why'd I say that to him, he looked ashamed for doing nothing but cuddling" "have I hurt him that bad in the past"

"Why- QUIT FUCKING THINKING ABOUT HIM" Hyunjin groaned confused, he never took a liking to the boy so why was it so sudden.

More thoughts lingered in the blond's head about the boy, keeping him up and unable to sleep until he got annoyed he was getting no sleep "Seungmin" he called.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now