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Everyone in the kitchen getting snacks for the movie, went back to the couch, sitting where they were before. Seungmin smiled seeing his husband awake and sat next to him, cling on to his side.

"Hi Jin, how was your day" the brown haired boy asked "it was good how was yours" "it was a little stressful but it's nothing" the blond hummed indicating he was paying attention.

The brown haired boy pecked his husband's lips and smiled "you're so perfect" he spoke and there was a gagging noise coming from all six boys next to them.

"Get a room and be all lovey dovey" Zeyu spoke "honestly, I think I need to bleach my poor eyes" Xinglong exaggerated "eww the oldies are in love" Shuyang said making a discusted face afterwards "our father who art in heaven" Hanyu started "I'm scared" Zihao closed his eyes "I wanna leave" Minguri said making the '😀' smile.

Seungmin looked down shy with a smile on his face then looked back up "oh quit being dramatic, you guys are like the others" he spoke "well I dont blame them" Minguri spoke making the others smile to not laugh.

"Enough, let's just choose something to watch" Hyunjin spoke "let's watch Shrek" "Teen Titans Go" "The Amazing World of Gumball" "you guys spend too much time with the others" Seungmin cut the other two boys off to faceplant.

They finally chose something to watch after thirty minutes, Seungmin clinging on to the side of his husband, giving him occasional kisses, the six boy also cuddling with each other.

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