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The boy got up and started cleaning the already clean bathroom as a distraction. After cleaning, the boy had grown tired and slept on the floor again.

It was now the next day and Seungmin got up from the floor to head out if the guest bedroom, assuming Soojin wasn't there anymore.

Today was a special day for the small brown haired boy, it was his birthday. The boy smiled and went to get changed into something not too fancy but still with effort. He brought his old makeup from the dirty basement to the clean guest bathroom to get ready.

The birthday boy put on a bit of makeup on to make him feel pretty with one thought in mind "is Hyunjin going to like this?" After putting on the make up, the brown haired boy left the bathroom to put his things back where they were and went to the spacious kitchen to find something to cook for Hyunjin.

The brown haired boy kept a smile on his face while cooking and setting up Hyunjin's plate. The brown haired boy slightly limped to Hyunjin's room and saw Soojin laying next to Hyunjin on Hyunjin's bed.

The girl heard the brown haired boy enter the room and rose her head to look at him "Hyunjin, who is that" Hyunjin looked away from Soojin to look at Seungmin.

"Oh him" the blond rolled his eyes "hes just the maid around here, ignore him" the younger's expression was now a sad smile "y-yes, call me if you need anything" Seungmin agreed to what Hyunjin said with a bow, placing the food tray down on the nightstand.

While placing the tray down, Hyunjin noticed something, grabbing the younger boy's arm stopping him "are you wearing makeup?" Seungmin looked around and hesitantly nodded "is today a special day? Are you going somewhere?" Hyunjin asked annoyed.

"He forgot. It's just like every year, don't expect anything different" the brown haired boy's mind spoke to him "w-well, today's my birthday, I.... I thought I should look a bit pretty for it" he spoke getting his arm out of the older's grip to fidget with his fingers looking at the two on the bed.

Soojin looked the standing boy up and down with a discusted face while rolling her brown eyes in annoyance "sure it's your birthday, it's just you being a slut trying to seduce my boyfriend" she grabbed Hyunjin's chin to kiss him and he kissed her back.

"M-mmm, I'm sorry, I'll leave you guys to eat breakfast, have a good day" Seungmin bowed leaving the room as he saw Soojin trailing the kiss down to Hyunjin's neck.

"Dont cry, it's your birthday, you should be smiling. Smile" Seungmin reminded himself then heard a ding come from his phone.

Jeongin 😇
Happy Birthday Seung!! I'm coming over in 5 with Felix

Thank you Innie ❤

The small message was enough to make the brown haired have a smile return back in his face; someone remembered and he forgot about Hyunjin and Soojin.

After the boy read the message he went to the spacious living room, waiting for the younger to arrive. After a few short minutes had passed, Seungmin heard the doorbell ring and went to open the door with a smile.

"Hey hoe!! 🤪" "Happy birthday Seung!!" Both boys greeted with a whole bunch of presents for Seungmin in hand "thank you, come in!"

"Okay bitch, we brought you, your favorite ice cream: chocolate chip mint! We also brought you a red velvet cake, and some gifts! By the way, you look fucking gorgeous, I wish I could fuck you right now" Jeongin ranted placing the bags on the kitchen island, eye fucking Seungmin, not being ashamed about the last part he said.

"Wow, you really are beautiful, did you put makeup on, cause it looks amazing, I love the eyeshadow colors, they match your outfit so well! Now I want to fuck you" Felix also ranted with a sarcastic disappointed sigh at the end while also eye fucking the birthday boy.

"Thank you guys, this really is amazing" the boy thanked while smiling. "Okay, so like where do you want to go, before you open presents and cut the cake, since it's only 11 am" "can we go to the mall, then Sky Zone?!" Seungmin excitedly asked.

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