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"So, what is it" Jisung asked for everyone "I'm married!" The six gasped "with who" "who has to deal with your bullshit as well" "do we know them" "bitch since when, I'm not believing you" "where's Seungmin, does he know about this" Minho was the last one to ask a question.

"Well, actually......" Hyunjin trailed off looking at the floor with a red face and a smile "nuh-uh, SHUT UP, did you guys really?! SEUNGMIN!!" Jeongin screamed getting up and running around the house in excitement, making everyone look at him confused.

"What do you mean" Felix asked for everyone who was confused, since they were a little slow to understand. "They-they finally-, oh my God, I can't believe it! Thank God! Congratulations!!" Jeongin yelled once again with a smile.

"What's he talking about Hyunjin?" "I see Jeongin figured out what I havent told him" Seungmin spoke after Hyunjin as he was getting out of the bathroom to go to the living room, referring to Hyunjin treating him right.

"He really did it Seung, he did what you asked, I'm so proud of you" "thank you Jeongin, it took a while for him to get used to but it was cause he was stressed" Jeongin hugged the small brown haired boy.

"Uh... I dont know if you guys know but us five are still confused" Chan pointed out. "Right, so I'm married to Seungmin and yes I treated him like absolute shit before, even while we were married, but I have changed the way I treated him and the way our relationship has been working" Hyunjin explained.

Everyone gasped in shock "that's amazing!! I realized your bitchy attitude towards him has lessened and wondered why" Minho exclaimed. "Congrats, although I'm a little disappointed neither of you guys told us anything" Changbin spoke.

"Actually, I was the one that got told this, thank you Seungmin for trusting me, I love you" "Love you too Innie"

"But how come you guys never told us" Felix asked "well, I had Soojin and umm yeah, but when I was with her nothing felt right only with Seungmin did it ever feel right. I was treating him like shit because I was denying the fact I liked him. I also told him to not tell anyone but by the looks of it one person had to know....." Hyunjin said referring to the youngest in the room who made a '😬👍' smile.

"What do you mean had, did you leave her or did she leave you" "oh about that.... she... she left me when my dad walked in on us kissing, but I dont really care, I was getting annoyed of her having sex with me all the time"

All six guest nodded in understatement "she was getting on my nerves, the others told me she was trying to have sex with them as well while she was with you and she tried with me as well" Minho spoke.

"It was for the better then" Jisung spoke afterwards "but yeah, I realized you did treat Seungmin like shit but I didnt say anything because I was scared you were going to treat him worse for saying something"  Changbin confessed.

"I mean, at least you guys worked it out. It was about time you stopped being a bitch to him, it was like you were on your man period or something" the freckled boy stated.

"Shut up, I'll go cook something we can eat" Hyunjin spoke before leaving to go to the kitchen.

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