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"Thank you, honey" the woman who spoke thanked the youngest "no problem" the three couples got up and went to their separate rooms, Seungmin following after Hyunjin to the blond's room.

Once in the room, Hyunjin grabbed Seungmin's by his wrist and dragged the boy to the bathroom in his room "ow, Hyunjin, please let go, you're hurting me" the boy spoke trying to get his wrist out of Hyunjin's hold to which Hyunjin responded by making his grip firmer making Seungmin let out an "ah" of pain.

"Be quiet, they're going to hear you and I'm going to get in trouble so just shut up" Hyunjin paused to take a breath "listen to me, you're going to sleep in here this time, I dont care if its nasty or not, I'm tired of your shit" "b-but Hyunjin, what if they-"

Hyunjin tightened his grip on the younger's wrist and spoke "just shut up already, they're not going to do anything to find out, I always lock the door. God you've been much more annoying this week now that your birthday just passed."

"Y-yes.... I have, I- I'm sorry...." Seungmin quietly apologized, gently pulling his wrist closer to him to carefully take Hyunjin's hand off to which the older let happen. "Please get ready for bed before I sleep, hopefully I don't annoy you that way" the brown haired spoke quietly again bowing afterwards.

The blond just rolled his eyes in annoyance and got ready for bed.

Once ready for bed, he laid in his bed with his phone in his hand while the younger got a small blanket to cover his body, laying nothing on the ground to sleep on.

Seungmin left the bathroom door cracked opened, he wished he could sleep and cuddle with his husband in the same bed. He wished Hyunjin returned his feelings and saw him the way he sees him.

He wished Hyunjin would grant many more wishes but he knew it was useless, the older never see him as anything important making those wishes impossible to be granted.

The small boy started crying, he really did just want to be viewed as a husband to Hyunjin. He wanted the older to love him. He wanted the older to pay attention to him. He wanted the older to treat him better and not hurt him.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now